template <class Type>
class stackType: public stackADT<Type>
const stackType<Type>& operator=(const stackType<Type>&);
//Overload the assignment operator.
void initializeStack();
//Function to initialize the stack to an empty state.
//Postcondition: stackTop = 0;
bool isEmptyStack() const;
//Function to determine whether the stack is empty.
//Postcondition: Returns true if the stack is empty,
// otherwise returns false.
bool isFullStack() const;
//Function to determine whether the stack is full.
//Postcondition: Returns true if the stack is full,
// otherwise returns false.
void push(const Type& newItem);
//Function to add newItem to the stack.
//Precondition: The stack exists and is not full.
//Postcondition: The stack is changed and newItem is
// added to the top of the stack.
Type top() const;
//Function to return the top element of the stack.
//Precondition: The stack exists and is not empty.
//Postcondition: If the stack is empty, the program
// terminates; otherwise, the top element of the stack
// is returned.
void pop();
//Function to remove the top element of the stack.
//Precondition: The stack exists and is not empty.
//Postcondition: The stack is changed and the top element is
// removed from the stack.
stackType(int stackSize = 100);
//Create an array of the size stackSize to hold
//the stack elements. The default stack size is 100.
//Postcondition: The variable list contains the base address
// of the array, stackTop = 0, and maxStackSize = stackSize
//Remove all the elements from the stack.
//Postcondition: The array (list) holding the stack
// elements is deleted.
int maxStackSize; //variable to store the maximum stack size
int stackTop; //variable to point to the top of the stack
Type *list; //pointer to the array that holds the stack elements
void copyStack(const stackType<Type>& otherStack);
//Function to make a copy of otherStack.
//Postcondition: A copy of otherStack is created and assigned
// to this stack.
template <class Type>
void stackType<Type>::push(const Type& newItem)
if (!isFullStack())
list[stackTop] = newItem; //add newItem to the
//top of the stack
stackTop++; //increment stackTop
cout << "Cannot add to a full stack." << endl;
}//end push
template <class Type>
Type stackType<Type>::top() const
assert(stackTop != 0); //if stack is empty,
//terminate the program
return list[stackTop - 1]; //return the element of the
//stack indicated by
//stackTop - 1
}//end top
template <class Type>
void stackType<Type>::pop()
if (!isEmptyStack())
stackTop--; //decrement stackTop
cout << "Cannot remove from an empty stack." << endl;
}//end pop
template <class Type>
stackType<Type>::stackType(int stackSize)
if (stackSize <= 0)
cout << "Size of the array to hold the stack must "
<< "be positive." << endl;
cout << "Creating an array of size 100." << endl;
maxStackSize = 100;
maxStackSize = stackSize; //set the stack size to
//the value specified by
//the parameter stackSize
stackTop = 0; //set stackTop to 0
list = new Type[maxStackSize]; //create the array to
//hold the stack elements
}//end constructor
template <class Type>
stackType<Type>::~stackType() //destructor
delete [] list; //deallocate the memory occupied
//by the array
}//end destructor
template <class Type>
class stackADT
virtual void initializeStack() = 0;
//Method to initialize the stack to an empty state.
//Postcondition: Stack is empty.
virtual bool isEmptyStack() const = 0;
//Function to determine whether the stack is empty.
//Postcondition: Returns true if the stack is empty,
// otherwise returns false.
virtual bool isFullStack() const = 0;
//Function to determine whether the stack is full.
//Postcondition: Returns true if the stack is full,
// otherwise returns false.
virtual void push(const Type& newItem) = 0;
//Function to add newItem to the stack.
//Precondition: The stack exists and is not full.
//Postcondition: The stack is changed and newItem is added
// to the top of the stack.
virtual Type top() const = 0;
//Function to return the top element of the stack.
//Precondition: The stack exists and is not empty.
//Postcondition: If the stack is empty, the program
// terminates; otherwise, the top element of the stack
// is returned.
virtual void pop() = 0;
//Function to remove the top element of the stack.
//Precondition: The stack exists and is not empty.
//Postcondition: The stack is changed and the top element
// is removed from the stack.
Little issues. Typos. The compiler was already pointing them out. I’ve capitalised files and classes, so you can compare the two codes even by copying&pasting without interferences (but a MS Windows OS won't distinguish uppercases from lowercases):
Don’t feel lonely, tieuholy :-D
Have you noticed that gear-like icon on the right of the code boxes? If you click there, you can compile and run the code on an online environment. It’s what many of the users of this forum do.
If you post a code split in several files, instead, we need to re-create the same structure on our local hard disks, and many of us perhaps don’t have the time to do that.
To get more answers, maybe from those real experts who attend this forum, you’d better post a... ‘one-click runnable code’- I mean: a code which fits in a single file and doesn’t need to access other files.
Anyway, in my country there’s a saying which in English could more or less be: a little of something is anyway better than nothing at all! ;-)
Happy coding!