how to compress thhe code while getting the same results?
Oct 27, 2017 at 6:31pm UTC
This is a small program I wrote with what I have learned since I started codeing in C++ about a week ago.
¿how to compress the code to minimum, while getting the same results?
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using namespace std;
int main()
int val1;
int val2;
int repe;
mensaje miMensaje1;
while ( repe != 2 )
cout << "Introduce el primer valor : " ;
cin >> val1;
cout << "\n\nIntroduce el segundo valor : " ;
cin >> val2;
cout << "\n\n" ;
opciones opc1( val1, val2 );
multi multiple1( val1, val2 );
div divicion1( val1, val2 );
cuadricula miCuadricula;
cout << "El resultado de la suma es : " << opc1.obtenerResultado() << "!" << endl;
cout << "\n\nEL resultado de la multiplicacion es : " << multiple1.obtenerResultado() << "!" << endl;
cout << "\n\nEl resultado de la division es : " << divicion1.obtenerResultado() << "!" << endl;
cout << "\n\n\n\n" ;
cout << "\n\nDeseas seguir usando el programa? : ( 1 )SI ( 2 )NO : " ;
cin >> repe;
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class opciones
public :
explicit opciones( int , int );
void establecerDatos( int , int );
int obtenerResultado() const ;
private :
int opcion1;
int opcion2;
int resultado;
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using namespace std;
opciones::opciones( int op1, int op2 )
:opcion1( op1 ), opcion2( op2 ), resultado(opcion1 + opcion2)
void opciones::establecerDatos( int op1, int op2 )
opcion1 = op1;
opcion2 = op2;
resultado = opcion1 + opcion2;
int opciones::obtenerResultado() const
return resultado;
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class multi
public :
explicit multi( int , int );
void establecerDatos( int , int );
int obtenerResultado() const ;
private :
int opcion1;
int opcion2;
int resultado;
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using namespace std;
multi::multi( int op1, int op2 )
:opcion1( op1 ), opcion2( op2 ), resultado(opcion1 * opcion2)
void multi::establecerDatos( int op1, int op2 )
opcion1 = op1;
opcion2 = op2;
resultado = opcion1 * opcion2;
int multi::obtenerResultado() const
return resultado;
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class mensaje
public :
explicit mensaje();
void mostrarMensaje() const ;
void mostrarDespedida() const ;
private :
std::string texto;
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using namespace std;
void mensaje::mostrarMensaje() const
cout << "Bienvenido a calculos v1.0 ! \n\n" ;
void mensaje::mostrarDespedida() const
cout << "\n\nGracias por usar calculos v1.0 ! \n\n" ;
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#endif // DIV_H_INCLUDED
class div
public :
explicit div( double , double );
void establecerDatos( double , double );
double obtenerResultado() const ;
private :
double opcion1;
double opcion2;
double resultado;
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using namespace std;
div::div( double op1, double op2 )
:opcion1( op1 ), opcion2( op2 ), resultado(opcion1 / opcion2)
void div::establecerDatos( double op1, double op2 )
opcion1 = op1;
opcion2 = op2;
resultado = opcion1 / opcion2;
double div::obtenerResultado() const
return resultado;
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class cuadricula
public :
explicit cuadricula();
void mostrarCuadricula() const ;
private :
char simbolo = '*' ;
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using namespace std;
void cuadricula::mostrarCuadricula() const
int x;
cout << "*********************************************************\n" ;
for ( x = 0; x < 8; x++ )
cout << simbolo << " " << simbolo << " " << simbolo << " " << simbolo << " "
<< simbolo << " " << simbolo << " " << simbolo << " " << simbolo << " " << simbolo << "\n" ;
cout << simbolo << " " << simbolo << " " << simbolo << " " << simbolo << " "
<< simbolo << " " << simbolo << " " << simbolo << " " << simbolo << " " << simbolo << "\n" ;
cout << simbolo << " " << simbolo << " " << simbolo << " " << simbolo << " "
<< simbolo << " " << simbolo << " " << simbolo << " " << simbolo << " " << simbolo << "\n" ;
cout << "*********************************************************\n" ;
Oct 27, 2017 at 6:52pm UTC
minimal code is over-rated, it won't run faster if it does the same work and it can be hard to read.
regardless, consider:
1 2 3 4
void div::establecerDatos( double op1, double op2 )
resultado = op1 / op2;
or -- not 100% sure if this is identical, but can you condense that print somehow LIKE this?
1 2 3 4 5 6
for ( x = 0; x < 8; x++ )
for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++)
cout << cout << simbolo << " " ;
cout << endl;
There isnt a lot of algorithm or iteration or such work here to reduce. I mean you can combine lines like
int a,b,c;
or if(cond) statement;
to save physical space but that is not really useful.
Last edited on Oct 27, 2017 at 6:53pm UTC
Oct 27, 2017 at 7:37pm UTC
thanks I will try out the "for" loop right away, and btw another question I have is: ¿is it necesary to use the code below?
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opciones::opciones( int op1, int op2 )
:opcion1( op1 ), opcion2( op2 ), resultado(op1 + op2)
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void opciones::establecerDatos( int op1, int op2 )
resultado = op1 + op2;
or just:
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void opciones::establecerDatos( int op1, int op2 )
resultado = op1 + op2;
will do?
and btw the code you shared:
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for ( x = 0; x < 8; x++ )
for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++)
cout << cout << simbolo << " " ;
cout << endl;
cout << cout
I'll try to fix it to make it work :D
I found the solution:
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void cuadricula::mostrarCuadricula() const
int x;
int y;
int z;
cout << "*********************************************************\n" ;
for ( x = 0; x < 8; x++ )
for ( z = 0; z < 3; z++ )
for ( y = 0; y < 9; y++ )
cout << simbolo << " " ;
cout << "\n" ;
cout << "*********************************************************\n" ;
Last edited on Oct 27, 2017 at 8:40pm UTC
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