Printing to a line using ofstream

Basically I am trying to use an employee ID to keep track of a clockin/clockout/overtimeEmployee IDs are 8 characters long. (ie 24001000). The following three lines are default at 0000. Then the next ID number is listed. I want my program to be able to recognize the ID and then print the changes on the correct line below the ID. So:

(ID: ) 24006100
(Overtime: ) 0000
(Time In: ) 0000
(Time Out: ) 0000

If the employee clocks in at 5PM, I want to save that data. So:

(ID: ) 24006100
(Overtime: ) 0000
(Time In: ) 1700
(Time Out: ) 0000

I was using the site seekp - C++ Reference to try to figure out how to use seekp/tellp. I've never used it before, so I am trying to manipulate the formula there to suit my needs. Really, I just have no idea how to print down a few lines using ofstream. Is there a way to do that?
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