Hey guys, so just doing some practice questions and came across this one in particular where i feel like i may be missing something. Any advice here?(note: the code isn't meant to do anything significant, just testing my ability to convert to a different loop).
while loop:
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int i = m;
while (i <= u){
cin >> i;
i = 2*i;
For loop:
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int main(){
int i = m;
for(int i=0; i <=u; u++){
cin >>i;
i = 2*i;
Thank you, I had a feeling something was off. Could you please just quickly explain why i'd need to include that i = m as part of my initialization for the for loop even if m is never used? Is it simply just a shortcut?
The value of m is used to initialize i. The loop runs if and only if i is less than or equal to u, so if m is greater than u, the loop body never executes.
Your attempt declares two different variables named i; the one visible inside the loop is always initialized to 0.
The following conversion is technically more accurate (the scope of i is not limited to the loop, as in the original code.)
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int i = m;
for( ; i <= u; ++u) {
cin >> i;
i = 2*i;