
i know this is a very very newb question but how can i make a different border and graphics and text boxes because Im sick of the command prompt.
Find a graphics library and learn to use it. You could use the windows API or X11 libraries directly, but those are a waste of time. My recommendation would be to use one of
There's more that I can't remember, someone else will no doubt add to that list.
Here is a simple way that I know of assuming you are using Windows XP, write a function to do this and copy paste it into your compiler

Create Process: What users here consider to be the right way of passing commands to the system. It is worth practising by opening notepad, or the calculator with it first:

Color: A command to change the color of the background and foreground of your console:


If you are more serious then most people that come here then again assuming that you are using Windows XP EQ:

Also, I haven't used this yet but it looks promising:

Thanks Chris.
Is there a tutorial for using a graphics library?
thank you computergeek
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Usually yes with everyone. The developers didn't go through all of that work to not have anyone use it.
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