Can't get it to Average correctly

Here is my code and it takes in a .txt file and separates the number by greater or less than 70. I need to get an average of those numbers as well. I don't know what I am dong wrong. Any help would be appreciated. I am getting like double the average I am supposed to get.
Thanks for help from anyone.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

const string INPUT_FILENAME = "temps.txt";

// Opens the file specified by Filename. If the connection fails it
// returns false, else it returns true.
bool Connect2Input(string Filename, ifstream& fin);

// Displays the two counts along with their averages, one per line.
void DisplayCounts(int CountOver70, int CountBelow70,
int AveOver70, int AveBelow70);

int main()
int AveBelow70=0;
int AveOver70=0;
int CountOver70=0;
int CountBelow70=0;
int sum=0;
ifstream fin;

if ( Connect2Input(INPUT_FILENAME, fin) == false)
cerr << "Error opening file " << INPUT_FILENAME << " for reading. Aborting!"
<< endl;

int num;
fin >> num;
while ( !fin.eof() )
if (num > 70)

AveOver70 = sum / CountOver70;

AveBelow70 = sum / CountBelow70;

fin >> num;
DisplayCounts(CountOver70, CountBelow70, AveOver70, AveBelow70);

return (0);
} // end main()

bool Connect2Input (string Filename, ifstream& fin)
bool success = true; Filename.c_str() );
if ( )
success = false;

return (success);
void DisplayCounts(int CountOver70, int CountBelow70,
int AveOver70, int AveBelow70)
cout<<"Temperatures Over 70 Degrees: "<<CountOver70<<" Ave: "<<AveOver70<<endl;
cout<<"Temperatures Below 70 Degrees: "<<CountBelow70<<" Ave: "<<AveBelow70<<endl;
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