How do I set a range of numbers?


I need to write a program which would print numbers that are possible to divide by 3 from a set of [2, 16). The question is, how do I make one?

One option is a for loop from 2 to 16 and check each number. If divisible by 3 print it.
Another option to find the first number, and add 3 to that in a loop until you reach the highest number.
So I tried something like that.
I want to type in three numbers and if they are all in [2, 16) have them sorted from the smallest to the biggest one.

It does not work, code is having problems at printf.

Also, I believe that while can be shortened.

I could very well use double for that but while does not allow it.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;


int x, y, z;
cout<<"Enter x, y and z: ";

vector<int> numbers;



return main();

}while(cin.bad() || x < 2 || x>=16 || y < 2 || y>=16 || z < 2 || z >=16 || x % 3 == 1 || y % 3 == 1 || z % 3 == 1);

sort(numbers.begin(), numbers.end());

printf("%9d", numbers);

return main();

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printf is wrong. Printf has no clue what a vector is, it has to print the values only.

you want
for( I = 0; I < numbers.size(); I++)
printf("%9d\n", numbers[I]);

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I don't get that whole "for" thing.

No clue why would I need it and how it works.
From what I've understood, it adds 1 to i if it's 0 or less than the size of numbers.

Still no idea why would I need it in my example. I want to output what my vector contains.
you have a vector, which is an array of 3 numbers, and you need to print 3 numbers. Printf does not understand what a vector is, and your original print statement is printing the address of the vector container, not the data inside it.

the loop gets the data inside the container and prints each item.

its the same as

printf("%d", numbers[0]); //first value
printf("%d", numbers[1]); //2nd value
printf("%d", numbers[2]); //3rd value
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Now I got it. Thank you.
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