SAT solver problem

Hello everyone,

I'm working on a project that requires solving SAT problems and was wondering if the c++ has a build-in algorithm and if not - where can I find a relatively efficient one.

Also, I'm trying to extract all the possible answers. The plan so far is to keep using the algorithm in a loop and after every iteration to add a clause that will contradict the previous iteration's output. I'm aware this may not be very efficient so if someone knows a SAT solver that already does this then all the better.

Thanks in advance
Hello nonynon,

I do not think I understand the math that is needed for what you want, but a Google search on " c++ sat solver" may help. Also do a search here and you should find many links that could help.

Hello Andy

I'm aware this issue can be found on google eventually, I came here because it took me awhile and I still didn't get an easy answer (Like most users on the beginners forum I'm sure). Sadly a search here didn't bring anything other then this one specific and irrelevant issue..
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