Can anyone help, I need to randomly output for example
1 2 3 4 5 6
possible sentences that will output: (///no limit and all random each time
How are you? What's your name? what day is it? etc
Single sentences not all three, but different each time :)
This code will be in a loop which will break after outputting, and when its called again its expected to be random!!!
I am not asking to display randomly generatd sentneces, but instead sentences which I made previously to be randomly outputted.
You can use random number generator with rand()( ) function and an array of strings which will store your possible snetences. Then you just generate random number and print the string with index of this number from the array.
Thanks very much lastchance, I am going to try this out tomorrow, this has been wreaking my head for sometime now, your help is much appreciated thanks again :)