Please help me with my homework guys thank you very much! and more power for this page!!!

Give the java codes to perform the indicated tasks

1. Declare variables x and y to be of type float
2. Assign the value 10 to variable A.
3. Increase the value of variable X by 2.
4. Double the value assigned to variable X
5. Assign the sum of A and B to variable sum.
1) This is a C++ forum. While there are probably people here who also have knowledge of Java, wouldn't you be better off looking for help on a forum for Java developers?

2) This isn't a free homework site. We're not going to write your homework for you. The point of doing homework is for you to practice and learn.
Please heeeeeelp!!!
As MikeyBoy stated, this is a C++ forum. Asking here is a little like asking a French forum for help with your Spanish homework.

The assignment seems like very basic stuff that you should be able to figure out from your notes or text book. Please note that programming is like sports: you learn it it by doing it. Find a java forum, try to write the code yourself and when you get stuck for an hour or so, ask for help there.

Good luck,
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