Declaring a 2d Array

Pages: 12
It populates the 4 members because that's what makes the object product. So a single array is possible because the array doesn't care about what's inside product. Right?
I just want to thank you for your help so far. Sometimes I just need someone to point me in the right direction because there are so many options when it comes to coding. I guess it's a good thing that my end goal is not to be a programmer because it doesn't click very well for me. I'm a perfectionist and a lot of things come easy, but this just doesn't come easy for me. I like a challenge and this is very interesting to me, but I don't see anyone paying me to do this. Haha!
I like a challenge and this is very interesting to me, but I don't see anyone paying me to do this. Haha!

You never know what the future holds. If you continue to enjoy the challenge your "end goal" may change. You're just starting to learn to program and with practice you may become someone that is sought after for advice and guidance, along with a healthy paycheck to boot.
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Pages: 12