Can someone please tell me why it's telling me "a nonstatic member reference must be relative to a specific object"? I realize I'm not done here, but it's hard to continue when I can't even declare an array. This is my 3rd class and I'm still having trouble with declaring arrays. I've done it just like the book.
Why are you trying to declare an array of Product in your Product definition? If you want an array of Product it should be external of the Product class.
Maybe I should tell you what I'm trying to do. I have a text file full of 50 different products with an item number, description, price, and tax status. I am trying to initialize the array with this information.
<void Product::initializeArray(Product inventory[NUM_ROWS][NUM_COLUMNS])
ifstream inputFile;
int count = 0;
//Open the file."C:\\Users\\Beverly\\OneDrive\\School\\CISS 350\\Week1_GroceryStore\\Week1_GroceryStore\\Inventory.txt");
if (!inputFile) //If the file cannot open, exit gracefully.
cerr << "Error: File could not be opened." << endl;
//Initialize the array.
while (count < NUM_ROWS && inputFile >> inventory[NUM_ROWS][NUM_COLUMNS])
So if I have the class Product, which has the number, description, price, and tax status as members. When I initialize it, how do I use my data file and create the array?
class Product
int *inventory; //Pointer to the array
int numElements; //Number of RoWS in the array
int product_num; //No more than 5 numbers
string product_descr; //Product description, no more than 12 characters with no embedded blanks
double price; //Price of the product
char tax; //T = Taxable, N = Not taxable
Product(int, string, double, char);
//To set the values
void setProd_num(int);
void setProd_Descrip(string);
void setPrice(double);
void setTax(char);
//To return the values
int getProd_num(int) const;
string getProd_Descrip(int) const;
double getPrice(int) const;
char getTax(int) const;
This is my start. I started with just initializing 1 product with default values, then commented it out. Then decided to do the array with default values, and then decided I'd rather go ahead and populate from my text file. Can I do this here?
I should mention I'm trying to create an abstract array data type.
Okay, perhaps you could explain what you mean by an abstract array data type, and possibly explain why you think that is the best option for this application.
1 2
int *inventory; //Pointer to the array
I would really recommend you use a std::vector instead of the array.
1 2 3 4
Product::Product(int ROWS, int COLS)
inventory = new Product[ROWS][COLS];
Why do you need a multidimensional array of inventory? And by the way arrays require compile time constants for their sizes, the snippet above is not meeting this requirement.
By the way it looks to me like you need to step back and determine what information you need to adequately model your physical inventory. For example if your "Product" consists of multiple "Items" that could have different quantities you may need several classes.
For example a "simple" bicycle may have the following "Items"
1 frame
2 wheels
1 seat
1 chain
2 pedals
And you may have different assemblies for different end products, so what you need really depends on the complexity of what you're trying to model.
There is really no one "right" answer. There are many different ways to solve this problem.
I should mention I'm trying to create an abstract array data type.
It would probably help if you described in English what you mean by "abstract array data type" and also describe why you chose this "data type" for this assignment and how it will help solve the problem.
Thank you, everyone, I couldn't get back to this site last night, it was telling me the server was down. Anyways, I have made many changes to it. But now I'm thinking I'm wrong again. I'm thinking maybe just a single array instead of a 2d array. The reason for my choice is because of the instructions for my assignment which say, "The inventory information can be stored in an array of product records. Assume that the maximum number of products is 50, for purposes of writing this program. You should specify this data structure as an ADT, as described in the chapter; define and implement a set of operations to encapsulate it. The ADT should be tested using a test driver." And, after rereading this is when I decided I should do a single array of the product numbers. Now, if I do this, how will I find the associated information for the product code?
Here's my updated code (before switching to a single array):
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include "Product.h"
usingnamespace std;
//Global variable
constdouble TAXamt = 0.075; //The tax amount is 7.5%
//Function Prototype
int binarySearch(Product inventory[][], int, int); //To search for the product to be purchased
int main()
//Declare variable
constint NUM_ROWS = 50; //Number of rows for the array; 50 products total
constint NUM_COLS = 4; //Number of columns for the array: product number, description, price, tax status
Product inventory[NUM_ROWS][NUM_COLS]; //An array of products
Product receipt[NUM_ROWS][NUM_COLS]; //An array for the receipt
ifstream inputFile;
ofstream outFile;
int count = 0, num, quant, prods;
double price, subtotal, total;
string item;
double itemPrice;
char itemTax, taxable;
//Open the file."C:\\Users\\Beverly\\OneDrive\\School\\CISS 350\\Week1_GroceryStore\\Week1_GroceryStore\\Inventory.txt");
if (!inputFile) //If the file cannot open, exit gracefully.
cout << "Error: File could not be opened." << endl;
//Initialize the array.
for (int row = 0; row < NUM_ROWS; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < NUM_COLS; col++)
inputFile >> inventory[NUM_ROWS][NUM_COLS];
//Close the file.
//Display the array
cout << " Welcome to Wideman Grocery! " << endl;
cout << "----------------------------------------" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Product Number" << setw(15) << "Description" << setw(15) << "Price" << setw(8) << "Tax Status" << endl;
cout << "----------------------------------------" << endl;
for (count = 0; count < NUM_ROWS; count++)
cout << inventory[NUM_ROWS][NUM_COLS] << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "----------------------------------------" << endl;
cout << endl;
//Determine how many products are being purchased
cout << "How many products are being purchased: ";
cin >> prods;
if (prods < 0)
cout << "Please enter a number greater than 0: ";
cin >> prods;
for (int i = 0; i < prods; i++)
cout << "Please enter the product number: " << endl;
cin >> num;
cout << "Please enter the quantity to be purchased: ";
cin >> quant;
//Search inventory array for the item
int element = binarySearch(inventory[NUM_ROWS][NUM_COLS], NUM_ROWS, num);
//If found, get product information **************************************************What do I do here?? I want to get the product info stored in the array inventory
item = inventory.getProd_Descr(element);
itemPrice = inventory.getPrice(element);
itemTax = inventory.getTax(element);
//Calculates the tax
if (taxable == 'T')
subtotal = (TAXamt)*(itemPrice * quant);
else //Non-taxable items
subtotal = (TAXamt)*(itemPrice * quant);
//Calculate the total for entire purchase.
total += subtotal;
//Add each product and info to the receipt
for (int numProd = 0; numProd < prods; numProd++)
//*************************************************************How will I add the quantity of each??
//Print the receipt
//Open the file"C:\\Users\\Beverly\\OneDrive\\School\\CISS 350\\Week1_GroceryStore\\Week1_GroceryStore\\Receipt.txt");
if (!outFile) //If the file cannot open, print receipt on the screen and exit gracefully.
cout << "Error: File could not be opened." << endl;
cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << "Here is your receipt! Thanks for shopping at Wideman Grocery. " << endl;
cout << "Product Number" << setw(15) << "Description" << setw(15) << "Price" << setw(8) << "Tax Status" << endl;
cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
for (count = 0; count < NUM_ROWS; count++)
cout << receipt[NUM_ROWS][NUM_COLS] << endl;
cout << "Thank you. Have a nice day." << endl;
outFile << fixed << setprecision(2) << "Here is your receipt! Thanks for shopping at Wideman Grocery. " << endl;
outFile << "Product Number" << setw(15) << "Description" << setw(15) << "Price" << setw(8) << "Tax Status" << endl;
outFile << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
for (count = 0; count < NUM_ROWS; count++)
cout << receipt[NUM_ROWS][NUM_COLS] << endl;
outFile << "TOTAL " << setw(60) << "$" << total << endl;
outFile << "Thank you. Have a nice day." << endl;
//Close the file
//Free Memory
delete[] inventory;
delete[] receipt;
return 0;
} //End of main()
//Binary Search of the array to find the right product
int binarySearch(Product inventory[][NUM_COLS], int NUM_ROWS, int num)
int first = 0, //First array element
last = NUM_ROWS - 1, //Last array element
middle, //Midpoint of search
position = -1; //Position of search value
bool found = false; //Flag
while (!found && first <= last)
middle = (first + last) / 2; //Calculate midpoint
if (inventory[NUM_ROWS][NUM_COLS] == num) //If value is found at mid
found = true;
position = middle;
elseif (inventory[NUM_ROWS][NUM_COLS] > num) //If value is in lower half
last = middle - 1;
first = middle + 1; //If value is in upper half
return position;
} //End of binarySearch
My arrays are not working and my get functions won't work as coded either. I'm still trying to think through all of this, but I'm going in circles at this point. A push in the right direction would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance!
Another nice piece of information. Please post your sample input file.
1 2 3 4 5 6
int product_num; //No more than 5 numbers
string product_descr; //Product description, no more than 12 characters with no embedded blanks
double price; //Price of the product
char tax; //T = Taxable, N = Not taxable
Are the comments based on the assignment specifications?
Please post the actual assignment specification.
My arrays are not working and my get functions won't work as coded either. I'm still trying to think through all of this, but I'm going in circles at this point. A push in the right direction would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance!
Your class should be defined to hold the information for one product, so start with a small program to create and use a single instance of the class until you finish the class interface. Then converting to arrays should be fairly easy.
You really should consider using constructor initialization lists with your constructor. And note you are using T uninitialized which means that tax it not properly initialized. Also since your product number has a limit on the number of digits you may want to consider using a string instead of the integer. Remember not all "numbers" must be stored using numeric values. Take your product number for example, if you store the value in a numeric variable you will probably have problems with products that start with zero (00100 would be stored as 100).
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// Constructor using initialization list to initialize the variables.
// Using a string to hold the product_num and product descr, using a double for the price, and a bool for taxable (note the change from tax to taxable which is more descriptive for a bool value).
Product::Product() : product_num("00000"), product_descr("None"), price(0.0), taxable(false)
// Blank body.
I defined the array outside of the class in main(), based on someone's suggestion. I was trying to define the array inside the constructor at first but was not able to do it.
A sample of the input file:
10001 Gallon-Milk 1.99 N
The numbers go from 10001 - 10050.
So I need to turn taxable into a boolean with T = true and N = false.
How would I initialize the array with the constructor? Should it be single or multidimensional?
Assignment Specification:
You will write, run, and test a C++ program to simulate the operation of a grocery store checkout system. Your program should first build a data structure to contain information on all the products available in the store. Then the program should print the cash register receipt for each customer.
The input for this program has two sources: the inventory information is input from a text file, and the customer transactions are input from the keyboard.
1. The information about each product carried by the store is listed on a single line in the inventory file "Invent.dat", in the following format:
<product number> <description> <price> <tax>
where <product number> is a five-digit positive (nonzero) integer, <description> is a string of at most 12 characters with no embedded blanks, <price> is a real number, and <tax> is a character ('T' if the product is taxable; 'N' if it is not taxable). The data in the inventory file is ordered from smallest to largest product number.
2. The customer transactions are input from the keyboard, in the following format:
<product number> <times>
where <product number> is as described above, and <times> is an integer in the range 1 to 100, indicating the quantity of this product desired. A zero input for <product number> indicates the end of the customer's order. (The store will soon be using a scanner to input the product number, but for now it is typed in by the cashier.)
The program outputs should be written to a text file called "Receipts.out."
1. The inventory information is echo printed to the output file.
2. The cash register receipt for each customer is written to the output file. The receipts should be nicely formatted, with the product description (not the product number), number of items, item price, and total price for each product printed on a single line. At the end of each customer's order, the subtotal for all items, amount of tax on taxable items, and total bill should be printed, clearly labeled. (The tax rate is 7.5% for taxable items.)
1. The program first reads in all of the inventory information from file "" echo printing the information to the output file.
2. The program then prompts the cashier to begin inputting the order for the first customer.
3. This customer's order is processed, and the receipt is printed to the output file.
4. After each customer's order is processed, the program should ask the cashier if another customer is to be processed. If the answer is 'Y', the program sets up to process the next customer; if the answer is 'N', the program terminates with a friendly message.
Error Checking
The following input errors are possible and should be handled by an exception class:
1. Duplicate <product number> in inventory file. Write an error message to the output file and skip the second entry.
2. <Product number> not in inventory file. Write an error message on the receipt, ignore that product number, and continue with the next item.
3. <Times> not in the specified range. Write an error message to the output file, ignore that line, and continue with the next item.
From File "":
11012 gallon-milk 1.99 N
11014 butter 2.59 N
11110 pie-shells 0.99 N
20115 laundry-soap 3.60 T
30005 homestyle-br 0.99 N
To "Receipts.out" file:
SEP 10, 1998 6:00 pm (* date and time optional *)
Customer 1
pie-shells 2 @ 0.99 1.98
*** item 40012 not in inventory ***
laundry-soap 1 @ 3.60 3.60 TX
Subtotal 5.58
Tax 0.27
Total 5.85
Data Structures
The inventory information can be stored in an array of product records. Assume that the maximum number of products is 50, for purposes of writing this program. You should specify this data structure as an ADT, as described in the chapter; define and implement a set of operations to encapsulate it. The ADT should be tested using a test driver.
• Your design (either object-oriented or top-down)
• A listing of the ADT
• A listing of the test driver for the ADT
• A listing of the test plan as input for the driver
• A listing of the output from the test driver
• A listing of your program
• A listing of your test plan as input to the program
• A listing of the output file
I defined the array outside of the class in main(), based on someone's
suggestion. I was trying to define the array inside the constructor at first but
was not able to do it.
Remember class member functions are really designed to manipulate class member variables, they shouldn't know anything about the outside world.
I would expect your "get" functions to be defined more like:
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//To return the values
int getProd_num() const;
string getProd_Descrip() const;
double getPrice() const;
char getTax() const;
Notice the lack of parameters, you would just return the value held in the class member variable.
How would I initialize the array with the constructor? Should it be single or multidimensional?
Your program should first build a data structure to contain information on all the products available in the store. Then the program should print the cash register receipt for each customer.
You should define a single dimensional array outside the class and the array elements will be initialized with your default arguments automatically. You will then read your input data file to retrieve the information for each element of the array and use your "set" functions to set the values of the member variables with the values read. Since you're using an array you'll need to keep track of the number of products you read from the file.
The numbers go from 10001 - 10050.
No, look closer at your sample data file.
From File "":
11012 gallon-milk 1.99 N
11014 butter 2.59 N
11110 pie-shells 0.99 N
20115 laundry-soap 3.60 T
30005 homestyle-br 0.99 N
Your product codes are described as:
where <product number> is a five-digit positive (nonzero) integer
So you can only assume that the values will be greater than zero and less than 100,000 (1 to 99999).
Remember your product class will hold the information for a single product. Your array will be external and the class will never know anything about this array, this is what makes it an Abstract Data Type, the data type (your product class) doesn't know or care about how many instances of the class exist it is very selfish, it is only concerned about the one and only one.
That sample data file came from the instructions and is not the file I am using. I created the numbers to go in order from low to high from 10001 - 10050, so it would be easier for me to test.
I guess I don't understand how a single array can populate 4 columns and 50 rows?