So the few questions are:
-How would you advise to make the access specifier of print private and not public ?
The rest of the questions focus on a really specific function that i pinpointed that it causes all of the problems with adding submenus:
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void CompositeMenu::addChild(ContainerComponent& child) //taking const reference causes c2440 error on line 31
if (std::find_if(m_children.begin(),
[&child](const ContainerComponent* cmp)
{return cmp->getName() == child.getName(); }) == m_children.end()) //is it possible to still compare function addresses ?
if (std::is_same<decltype(child), CompositeMenu>::value)
m_children.emplace_back(&Action(child.getName(), std::bind(&ContainerComponent::call, &child)));
}//end of if
else m_children.emplace_back(&child);
if (m_enabledBoxedMenu) updateLengths(child.getName(), boxedLengthPadding);
else updateLengths(child.getName(), bareLengthPadding);
}//end of if
else std::cout << "An Action with this name already exists.\n";
-How should i get past the c2440 error and still pass by const reference ?
-From what iv'e read i cant get a member function address that has the "this" pointer but i still want to be able to check if an Action with the same m_action exists is it possible ?
m_children.emplace_back(&Action(child.getName(), std::bind(&ContainerComponent::call, &child)));
In my opinion is the root of the problem, i know its an awful idea to pass a reference to a temporary object but i cant seem to find a way around, i tried using unique_ptr and shared_ptr but they cause even more errors which are thrown not from the code itself but the algorithm library, using
isn't even an option as its not guaranteed 100% to allocate memory and there is no error handling and its prone to cause memory leaks if i wont make a proper cleanup.
So the code line above is responsible for storing the call function of a CompositeMenu and its name within an Action object, and the use of std::bind is needed because of the type of m_action the problem is that when i run the code it uses CompositeMenu's print instead of Action's print although i stored it as an Action object, is it undefined behavior because of the temporary object ? how should i fix this issue ?
the source.cpp i used for testing:
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void a() { std::cout << 'a'; }
void b() { std::cout << 'b'; }
void c() { std::cout << 'c'; }
void d() { std::cout << 'd'; }
int main()
CompositeMenu menu;
CompositeMenu submenu;
submenu.addHeader("Sub menu");
menu.addHeader("Main menu");
Action optA("a", a);
Action optB("b", b);
Action optC("c", c);
Action optD("d", d);
return 0;
NOTE: Everything but the addChild method works perfectly and only adding a submenu causes the issue.