Three entries and it stops working...
May 21, 2017 at 9:20pm UTC
Hello everyone I just started learning C++.
There is a program who is supposed to creat a list of employees. The idea is that each person has a number, and a number can be distributed only once.
At the beginning, it seems that it works fine, but after the third entry, the program just stops, without any warning. It doesn't ask me to quit either. It just stops...
Could anyone tell me how to correct it ?
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using namespace std;
class employee
private :
int number;
char name[20];
public :
employee() {number=0; strcpy_s(name," " );}
employee(int x, char *str) {number=x; strcpy_s(name, str);}
~employee() {}
int getnumber() {return number;}
char *getname() {return name;}
void setnumber(int x) {number=x;}
void setname(char *str) {strcpy_s(name, str);}
class node
private :
employee *thisemployee;
node *next;
public :
~node() {}
node( employee *p): thisemployee(p), next(0) {}
employee *getemployee() {return thisemployee;}
node *getnext() {return next;}
void setnext(node *p2) {next=p2;}
void setemployee(employee *p3) {thisemployee=p3;}
class list
private :
node *pHead;
public :
list(): pHead(0) {}
~list() {}
void insert(employee *p);
void display();
employee *search(int x);
void list::insert(employee *p)
node *pNew=new node(p);
node *pCurrent=pHead;
node *pNext=0;
if (!pHead)
return ;
if (pNew->getemployee()->getnumber()<pHead->getemployee()->getnumber())
return ;
for (;;)
if (!pHead->getnext())
return ;
if (pNew->getemployee()->getnumber()<pNext->getemployee()->getnumber())
return ;
void list::display()
node *pCurrent=pHead;
while (pCurrent)
cout<<"Number: " <<pCurrent->getemployee()->getnumber()<<endl;
cout<<"Name: " <<pCurrent->getemployee()->getname()<<endl;
cout<<"\n" ;
employee *list::search(int x)
node *pC=0;
for (pC=pHead; pC!=NULL; pC=pC->getnext())
if (pC->getemployee()->getnumber()==x)
break ;
if (pC==NULL)
return NULL;
return pC->getemployee();
class catalogue : private list
public :
void insert(employee *p);
void display() {list::display();}
void catalogue::insert(employee *p)
if (list::search(p->getnumber()))
cout<<"The number " <<p->getnumber()<<" is already in the list. Please change a number." <<endl;
return ;
return ;
int main()
int num;
char str[20];
employee *ptr=0;
catalogue c;
for (;;)
cout<<"Please insert a number. Enter -1 to quit the program: " <<endl;
if (num==-1)
break ;
cout<<"Enter the name: " <<endl;
ptr=new employee(num, str);
return 0;
May 22, 2017 at 1:36am UTC
Well, you have 2 breaks in your code, add several cout << "Test" statements and see where it's breaking down.
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