I need to add at least one condition expression to my program. I am having trouble with this and hoping someone can nudge me in the right direction. This is my coding so far for my program...
cout << "############################################################\n";
cout << " Welcome to the DJ Dance Playlist Manager\n";
cout << "############################################################\n\n\n";
cout << "Insert a name for this playlist: ";
getline (cin, pName);
cout << "Insert the title of the first song: ";
getline (cin, sTitle1);
cout << "Insert the artist name of the first song: ";
getline (cin, sArtist1);
cout << "Insert the genre of the first song: ";
getline (cin, sGenre1);
cout << "Insert the length of the first song: ";
cin >> sLength1;
cout << "\nInsert the title of the second song: ";
getline (cin, sTitle2);
cout << "Insert the artist name of the second song: ";
getline (cin, sArtist2);
cout << "Insert the genre of the second song: ";
getline (cin, sGenre2);
cout << "Insert the length of the second song: ";
cin >> sLength2;
cout << "\nInsert the title of the third song: ";
getline (cin, sTitle3);
cout << "Insert the artist name of the third song: ";
getline (cin, sArtist3);
cout << "Insert the genre of the third song: ";
getline (cin, sGenre3);
cout << "Insert the length of the third song: ";
cin >> sLength3;
cout << "The playlist named " << pName << " has a total length of " << totalLength << " minutes.";
cout << "Also, the playlist named " << pName << " has an average length of " << playlistAverage << "minutes";