Argument of type "cons char*" is not compatible with parameter of type "FILE*"
error on fprintf("ERROR here"...), and argument of type "int" is not compatible with "const char*" on fprintf("...",ERROR here,...)
I've used this code structure in a similar code before, what could be wrong? I checked for missing #includes, but all seems to be in order... any opinions?
(I'm using this to print on a text file some data ill need to save on a function)
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
void Save(nodmain *header)
FILE *Save = fopen("SavedGame.txt", "w");
nodmain *auxmain = header;
nod *aux = Inicializa();
if (Save == NULL)
while (auxmain != NULL)
fprintf("%d,%s,%s\t", auxmain->num, auxmain->mine ? "true" : "false", auxmain->reveal ? "true" : "false");
aux = auxmain->nextright;
while (aux != NULL)
fprintf("%d,%s,%s\t", aux->num, aux->mine ? "true" : "false", aux->reveal ? "true" : "false");
aux = aux->nextright;
auxmain = auxmain->nextdown;
Any help would be appreciated.
Note: aux->num/auxmain->num are int type,
aux->mine/aux->reveal/auxmain->mine/auxmain->reveal are bool types.
Inicializa() is a function that initializes nod * types using malloc (no error on this function).
Never mind me, I'm stupid forgot to tell the fprintf where to print "fprintf(Save,"...)" XD