Why does the program not let me write the function?

It keeps saying "Function definition is not allowed here".

int searchList(int list[], int numElems, int value)
{ //Around here
int index = 0;
int position = -1;
bool found = false;

while (index < numElems && !found)
if (list[index] == value)
found = true;
position = index;
return position;
}//And here

Where else am I supposed to put it?!

int searchList(int [], int, int);

//Call main:
cout<<"Enter an employee number for your search: "<<endl;
results = searchList(empId, SIZE, 7895122);

Please edit your post and put code tags around your code. Then I'll help you fix your problem.

Example on how to use the tags:
bool Chunk::layerExists(int layer) const {
    return (m_voxels.find(layer) != m_voxels.end());

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I fixed it. Nm
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