Can someone help me write this code a different, preferably shorter, way, but it does the same thing.

// Displays constructors and classes

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Rectangle // Class declaration
int width;
int length;


// Default constructor
width = 1;
length = 1;
// Parameterized constructor
Rectangle(int w, int l)
width = w;
length = l;
void SetValues() // Prompts the user to enter values
cout << "Enter the width;";
cin >> width;
cout << "Enter the length :";
cin >> length;
int GetWidth() const // The function is constant
return width;
int GetLength() const // The function is constant
return length;
int GetArea() // Sets the formula for area
return width*length;
int GetPerimeter() // Sets formula for perimeter
return width * 2 + length * 2;

int main()

Rectangle rect1; // Default constructor (1,1)
Rectangle rect2(1, 1);
Rectangle rect3;
Rectangle rect4;
Rectangle rect5;

rect1.SetValues(); // Prompts user to enter values

cout << rect1.GetWidth() << "," << rect1.GetLength() << endl; // Retrieves length and width
cout << rect2.GetWidth() << "," << rect2.GetLength() << endl;
cout << rect3.GetWidth() << "," << rect3.GetLength() << endl;
cout << rect4.GetWidth() << "," << rect4.GetLength() << endl;
cout << rect5.GetWidth() << "," << rect5.GetLength() << endl;

cout << "rect1 area: " << rect1.GetArea() << endl; // Retrieves area from the member function
cout << "rect2 area: " << rect2.GetArea() << endl;
cout << "rect3 area: " << rect3.GetArea() << endl;
cout << "rect4 area: " << rect4.GetArea() << endl;
cout << "rect5 area: " << rect5.GetArea() << endl;

cout << "rect1 perimeter: " << rect1.GetPerimeter() << endl; // Retrieves perimeter from member function from class
cout << "rect2 perimeter: " << rect2.GetPerimeter() << endl;
cout << "rect3 perimeter: " << rect3.GetPerimeter() << endl;
cout << "rect4 perimeter: " << rect4.GetPerimeter() << endl;
cout << "rect5 perimeter: " << rect5.GetPerimeter() << endl;

return 0;
Since you need to iterate through multiple objects, create an array of objects, and the step through the array calling the appropriate functions for each.

Here's a hint to get you started:

Rectangle arr[5];

So where would this go? In main. I'm really having trouble so it would help if you can like explain it a little more in detail. (not trying to be rude) @mastakhan
the class is fine.

Main can be reduced greatly, ... put the rects in a vector, and if you can re-order the code a little one loop will do it..

for(int x = 0; x < v.size(); x++)
cout << v[x].GetWidth() << "," << v[x].GetLength() << endl; // Retrieves length and width
cout << "area: " << v[x].GetArea() << endl; // add stuff to print x if needed?
cout << "perimeter: " << v[x].GetPerimeter() << endl; //as above

If the code order matters, you need 4 loops.

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I love your answer, but can you simplify this to a beginners terms. I have to present this and many people dont understand that. @jonnin
That is about as simple as I can make it...

1) use a vector or array to contain 5 or N instances of the class object
2) use a loop to call the functions

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