Hi there, my question is a very broad one I know. but I would appreciate all the help I can get on the subject. My question is: What books should I read after I read a basic programming book like that of Sam’s teach yourself C++ in one hour a day, 8th edition? I know that this goes through the basics for coding and want to know what books I should read for more advanced concepts and algorithms. All the help would be appreciated. And Admin please if you could keep this up till I get at least one response. Know the question is broad but I want to learn as much as I can on the subject so when I get out of school I'm beyond ready for the real world of coding.
Most of the books I read were in German so that probably wouldn't be helpful for you.
The ones in English I can recommend are:
"The C++ Standard Library" by Nicolai Josuttis
"The C++ programming language" by Bjarne Stroustrup
However they are more for the intermediate level.
About programming in general:
"Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction" by Steve McConnell
I don't know your level now, but it might be worth to look for books about debugging / and (unit)testing