How to use debug in CodeBlocks?

How can I learn to use Debug in Codeblocks? I need a tutorial or a website where I can learn the Debug using this program. Any advice would be appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

PS: I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this. My apologizes if is not.
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You do realize it's 2017 right? Google and youtube exists. Use them.

I literally just typed "debugging in codeblocks" On youtube, and got multiple video tutorials on how to debug using codeblocks.
I know it but maybe you know a recommended tutorial.
From what Ive seen debugging in codeblocks and visual studio is very similar. This debugging series is very good, although they specifically use visual studio, you should be fine though. You could watch it to learn how to think when debugging etc. Then a codeblocks specific debugging video just to learn where the buttons are and so on.
Thank you for your help. Sorry for the question, my Debug was not working because of an issue with the compiler but I downloaded CodeBlocks again and setup the compiler / debugger correctly. Now is working.
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