find output of a recursive function by hands

int f(int x, int y) {
if(x < 0 || y < 0)
return x - y;
return f(x - 1, y) + f(x, y -1);

if i want to calculate the output of f(2,1) by hand, how should i do it?

i started with this: f(2,1) -> return f(1,1) + f(2,0)
then f(1,1) -> return f(0,1) + f(1,0)
then f(0,1) -> return f(-1,1) + f(0,0) (from f(-1,1) return -2)
then f(0,0) -> return f(-1,0) + f(0,-1) (from f(-1,0) return -1; from (0,-1) return 1)

i do the same with f(2,1), f(1,0), etc. but i come up with an answer different from my compiler's answer (it gives 5).

what should be the correct steps to find the value?

Your compiler is correct.

You can shortcut some of the calculations. Because of the symmetry in the immediate expansion, but the antisymmetry in x-y, the end recursion of
f(n,n) is 0.

f(n,0) = f(n-1,0) + (n+1), a simpler recursion.

f(2,1) = f(1,1) + f(2,0)
= 0 + f(1,0) + 3 using the results above
= 0 + f(0,0) + 2 + 3
= 0 + 0 + 2 + 3

oh! thanks!!! that's much clearer to me!!
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