Recursive functions (Basic) Please Help!!

I'm struggling with solving four basic recursive functions such as the ones below. I know the set up for these are fairly similar so any help would be much appreciated!!

1. Write a function which prints all the numbers between 2 and N-1 inclusive where N is one of the parameters. i.e. part1(8) would give 2 3 4 5 6 7

2. Write a function which returns as its result the sum of all the numbers between 2 and N-1 inclusive where N is one of the parameters. i.e. part2(8) is equal to 27

3. Write a function which returns as its result the number of divisors of N that are between 2 and N-1 inclusive where N is one of the parameters. i.e. num_divisors(8) is equal to 2 because 8 is divisible by 2 and 4 but not by 3, 5, 6, or 7.

4. Write a function which takes one parameter N and returns as its result true if N is prime and false if it is not. (N is print if it has no divisors between 2 and N-1) i.e. prime(8) is equal to false.
Hello DanielleL21,

Do not double post on the same topic, you should delete this post so as not to confuse people.

There are many posts here on recursion and finding prime numbers. Do a search and see what you come up with.

You may also want to research prime numbers. As to point 1; 4 and 6 are not prime numbers.

Hope that helps,

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