How to properly read from a file using a for loop until end of file?

Hey guys,

I have some code that requires me to read from a file into an array of objects. The array's maximum size is 25 elements. So I need to see some code on how to properly read into the array of objects using a for loop.
It must read from the file until the end of the file is reached or the maximum size is occupied in the array of objects. I have code that does exactly this using a while loop but I have to incorporate the eof() flag and max size of the array using a for loop. I tried some code a while back but I had some difficulty incorporating the eof() flag. It seemed like it kept bypassing it and displayed 25 as the number of objects in the array when using a counter inside of the for loop. Any help will be appreciated!

Thank you,
closed account (48T7M4Gy)
Adapting the sample from here is one possible way to consider

Put the read operation and the size condition both into the while conditional:

constexpr std::size_t SIZE = 25;

int TheArray[SIZE] = {};

std::size_t NumItemsRead = 0;

while (std::getline (infile,TheArray[NumItemsRead] ) && NumItemsRead < SIZE  ) {
if (NumItemsRead < SIZE) {std::cout << "Only " <<  NumItemsRead << "items have been read in\n";}
else {std::cout << "All items read in\n";}

If the std::getline fails( 1 reason might be eof), the while loop will end.

Note that checking for eof , only really works when reading 1 char at a time from the file. That is a C style approach, and is probably not the way to go for modern C++.
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