how to find object type of derived class on Runtime

I have following code

class Base() {


class Derived1: public Base {


class Derived1: public Base {


class Derived2: public Base {

class Derived3: public Base {

class Derived4: public Base {


void f(Base b) {


int main() {

Base arrayB[10];

arrayB can have objects of Derived classes also

Now I want to implement a function

void f (Base b) {


for derived class Derived 4 I have to implement a special function for rest of the objects of arrayB I have to implement other code one common functionality

I do not want to write the following code

void f(B* b) {
if (b->typeId() == Derived4) {
} else {


Is there any was we class object can be recognized on runtime

arrayB can have objects of Derived classes also
No. Pointer is required.

For the pointer you can access derived objects with dynamic_cast:
No my question is is there any way I write two versions of function f

void f(B* b) {

void f(Derived4 *d) {


int main() {

Base arrayB[10];
for(int i =0 ; i < 10; i++) {

now this is just an example we can have 100s of objects as Derived4 where we need to have special handling in f

Could you please let me know can we use templates in such cases

No my question is is there any way I write two versions of function f
Yes, no problem. Which function is called depends on the type provided. The function will not check whether a provided B * could be Derived4 *. This is up to you.
if we have 100 versions of Derivedn which has to be specially handled and what should be done. what is bet optimized code
Well, 100 version doesn't sound like a reasonable design...

However, depending on what you are trying to accomplish virtual functions might be what you're looking for:

A virtual member is a member function that can be redefined in a derived class, [...]

Could you please let me know can we use templates in such cases
A template might avoid hundreds of derived class. it depends on what you are trying to do.
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