Help! Factorial problem

Write a function to compute and return the value of the sum. Assume that the value of n is an argument of the function.
s = x − x^3/3! + x^5/5! − x^7/7! + . . . ± x^2n−1/(2n − 1)!

Then in main function use a while loop to read values of the parameter n and print the sum with each iteration.

How can I go about solving this?
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Input a value of x and a value of n.

Set double variables s = x (to hold the sum) and term = x (to hold an individual term in the series).

Loop the appropriate number of times, modifying term and adding to the sum. (This is a classic way of evaluating power series.)

If n is large it will tend to sin(x), for x in radians.

How can I go about solving this?

Write the above in code.

Incidentally, it is a LOOPING or REPETITION problem, not a RECURSIVE one (it doesn't call itself), so the title of your post is a little confusing. Also, given the speed at which factorials increase, you would be well advised not to calculate them individually - modify term as suggested above.
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