Hello. I need some ideas regarding this exercise I have.
1.Program asks user to enter a random number between 0-100 and limit the region as shown in code.
2. After entering number, program should execute two counting methods : from 0-50 and from 50-100 and check if number lies in those bounded regions.
3. If number lies in one of the regions, program should ask if user wants to further limit the region; e.g program scans from 1-10 with a while loop to check if number lies there, 11-20 etc etc.
I really cannot think of a working code or method to this. I am still a beginner in C++. If anyone could guide me with a way to go about that, that would be great. PLease forgive me if it is not a very efficient code but Im just doing this for an exercise.
usingnamespace std;
int main() {
int number;
char ask; //either yes or no
cout << "enter a number" << endl;
cin >> number;
if (number == 0) {
cout << "number is 0" << endl;
elseif (number == 50) {
cout << "number is 50" << endl;
elseif (number > 50 && number <=100) {
cout << "number is between 50 and 100" << endl;
elseif (number > 0 && number <50) {
cout << "number is between 0 and 50" << endl;
cout << "continue limiting range? [y/n]" << endl;
cin >> ask;
if (ask = 'y' && number<50 && number>0) {
if (number <= 10) {
while()//what is the best way to do a while loop to search?
#include <iostream>
void numberBound(int lowerBound, int upperBound)
int number{};
std::cout << "Enter number b/w " << lowerBound << " and " << upperBound <<": ";
std::cin >> number;
} while ((number < lowerBound) || (number > upperBound));
//additional input validations above
if (number == lowerBound || number == upperBound)
std::cout << "Boundary hit \n"; return;
number < (lowerBound + upperBound)/2 ? upperBound = (lowerBound + upperBound)/2
: lowerBound = (lowerBound + upperBound) / 2;
//integer division - can choose whether to round up or round down
numberBound(lowerBound, upperBound);
//program should also set the max num of tries at each stage or globally ...
// ... or else user may keep entering invalid nos indefinitely
int main()
numberBound(0, 100);