Closing a window with DestroyWindow() not working.
Apr 14, 2017 at 6:18pm UTC
I am messing around with some windows functiosn and i am trying to close the current window i am tabbed into yet for some reason it doesn't work and it didn't return an error
My Code:
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int main()
HWND curwind;
char ccurwind[256];
HWND newwind;
HWND wind2;
printf("Destroying in 5...\n" );
printf("Destroying in 4...\n" );
printf("Destroying in 3...\n" );
printf("Destroying in 2...\n" );
printf("Destroying in 1...\n" );
curwind = GetForegroundWindow();
GetWindowTextA(curwind, ccurwind, 256);
if (DestroyWindow(curwind) == 0) {
printf("Failed with error: %s" , GetLastError());
else {
printf("\nDestroyed %s" , ccurwind);
return 0;
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