The program must receive integer input. When use enter 2 the program outputs letter ‘A’ and if 2 is pressed twice, the letter ‘A’ will disappear from screen and character ‘B’ will appear and if 2 is pressed thrice the letter ‘B’ will disappear and Letter C will appear. To enter ‘AA’ you have to enter number ‘2’ twice with delay. Delay must be as smaller as it is usually in the mobile.
Write a program that input a number like below and converts it into string. 28444333# The program will output ATIF If you have to print “AAA” then input will be 212121# where 1 is used as separator. # will be used as input terminator. Program Requirement. You have to use on those programming elements discussed in the class so far. You cannot use string and character array. Only primitive data types are allowed.
I've made a program as following but my assignment requires delay and some other things which I'm not able to do.