User Domain in class project

Hi everyone, I'm new here. I wasn't sure where to ask this, I figured someone here on this forum might be able to assist.
I am working on a group project that everyone has abandoned and am left on my own to complete. The project is based on a 3D printing company, we are to set up a new WAN/LAN system. For this project we have 8 buildings in 6 cities across the US. My questions is how should I set up user domains? Each main building has 8 departments. Each department (except for the janitor and secretary/HR) would be using a biometric finger print scanner to login to the system for security. For the janitor and HR/secretary would be using a normal system login with a password. Would the user domain be set up per department? Would that work with multiple employees accessing? Or would I need a separate user domain for each employee?
Thank you and I understand if you can't help I just wasn't sure where to ask this question and get a realistic response.
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