Hey guys. I need to write a maze solver that using recursive backtracking to solve how to get through the maze. It will read in the maze file from command line arguments. I need to read it in, determine how many rows by columns the maze is, and then determine how to get through the maze, marking the spaces I walked with any symbol ('-' for example). The walls are '#' symbols, and I must avoid the 'L' (lava) spaces and if I walk through the 'W' (water) spaces, it counts as 2 steps.
My output file will contain the number of columns and number of rows, the amount of steps it took (1 if regular blank space, 2 if 'W' was stepped through), and output the maze itself.
If you search the forum for "maze" you'll find some similar problems that have been answered. Try to solve this yourself. When you get stuck for an hour or so, post your code, along with any input that is failing.