a center can't be on the edges. if you can write a loop that goes from row 1 to row n-1 and column 1 to column m-1 and prints each element, that is the first step (print to verify its working).
step 2, if the character in the loop above is a +, check the 4 cells to verify yes or no (up one, left one, right one, down one). If all those are +, its a cross center. Its critical that the first loop works, or this one will crash your program when you hit memory off the edges.
step 3, if the char was a center, set all 5 of the above (the center and the 4 checks) to some other character (x, maybe, whatever) so they can't be re-used. If you need the data for something else after this, set all the x's back to +s at the end by looping over every cell again. If you are done with the data, you can leave the damage.