Switch Statement or If/Else statement?

closed account (ENh0ko23)
Basically i have to enter two integers in the range of 1-100 and the two numbers have to follow a set of rules that correspond to the two random numbers i type in.

The statements: The first number is equal to/ greater than/ less than the second number.
The first number is odd/even.
The second number is odd/ even.
the first number is/ is not divisible by the first number.
The sum of these numbers is equal to/ less than/ greater than 100.

I could make a generic one with only two numbers but i have to be able to enter RANDOM numbers from 1-100 range.
Any help?!

the first number is/ is not divisible by the first number.
as a general rule have functions returning bool isOdd(), isEven(), isDivisibleBy(), isSumLessThan() etc and tick off the functions against the numbers
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