My question:
Define a template class for a generic triplet. The private data member for the triplet is a
generic array with three elements. The triplet ADT has the following functions:
default constructor
explicit constructor: initialize the data member using parameters
three accessors (three get functions) which will return the value of each individual
element of the array data member
one mutator (set function) which will assign values to the data member using
find_max function which will find the maximum value of the array and return it
find_min function which will find the minimum value of the array and return it
sort_ascending function which will sort the array data member into ascending order
sort_descending function which will sort the array data member into descending order
an overloaded comparison operator == which will compare if two triplets are exactly
the same
an overloaded output operator to output items in the triplet.
Write a driver to test your class. It should test each function for
o a triplet of strings
o a triplet of integers
For credit: Show your code and execute the test program
My code so far:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
template <class T>
class triplet
T A, B, C;
int Array[50];
//Purpose: default constructor
//Precondition: array
//Postcondition: array is declared as empty
T a = 0;
T b = 0;
T c = 0;
triplet(T a, T b, T c)
//Purpose: explicit constructor
//Precondition: array
//Postcondition: initalizes the data member with parameters
A = a;
B = b;
C = c;
void get_A()
//Purpose: returns A value
//Precondition: A value
//Postcondition: returns A to array
return A;
void get_B()
//Purpose: returns B value
//Precondition: B value
//Postcondition: returns B to array
return B;
void get_C()
//Purpose: returns C value
//Precondition: C value
//Postcondition: returns C to array
return C;
void set(T a, T b, T c)
//Purpose: assigns values to the data member
//Precondition: data members
//Postcondition: values are assigned to the data member
A = a;
B = b;
C = c;
T find_max()
//Purpose: finds maximum number
//Precondition: filled array
//Postcondition: returns max number
return max(A, max(B, C));
T find_min()
//Purpose: finds minimum number
//Precondition: filled array
//Postcondition: returns min number
return min(A, min(B, C));
void sort_ascending()
//Purpose: sorts the array in ascending order
//Precondition: filled array
//Postcondition: returns array in ascending order
for (i = 0; i <= n; i++)
for (j = 0; j <= n - i; j++)
if (a[j]>a[j + 1])
temp = Array[j];
Array[j] = Array[j + 1];
Array[j + 1] = temp;
cout << "\nData after sorting: ";
for (j = 0; j<n; j++)
cout << Array[j];
void sort_descending()
//Purpose: sorts array in descending order
//Precondition: filled array
//Postcondition: returns array in descending order
for (i = 0; i <= n; i++)
for (j = 0; j <= n - i; j++)
if (a[j]<a[j + 1])
temp = Array[j];
Array[j] = Array[j + 1];
Array[j + 1] = temp;
cout << "\nData after sorting: ";
for (j = 0; j<n; j++)
cout << Array[j];
bool operator==(const triplet&t)
//Purpose: compares two triplets to see if they're the same
//Precondition: filled array
//Postcondition: returns true or false
if (t.a == this->a&&t.b == this->b&&t.c == this->c)
return true;
return false;
ostream&operator<<(ostream&out, const triplet<T>* list)
//Purpose: overloaded output operator
//Precondition: filled array
//Postcondition: outputs items in the triplet
output << "A B C are: " << list.A << " " << list.B << " " << list.C << endl;
return output;
#include "Header.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
triplet<int> one(12, 9, 16);
cout << one << endl;
cout << "Maximum is: " << one.find_max() << endl;
cout << "Minimum is: " << one.find_min() << endl;
triplet<string> two("hello", "hi", "bye");
cout << two << endl;
return 0;
I am getting many errors. What all did I do wrong or need to add?
I fixed the array to what you said and adjusted my code accordingly. I have a hard time with arrays; I find them confusing at times. Thank you for showing me! I altered everything else and got the program to work!
I have a hard time with arrays; I find them confusing at times.
you're welcome and as for arrays, unless it's a homework requirement, try and use std::vector or other standard library containers as much as possible: