usingnamespace std;
bool isVowel(char ch);//method to check whether ch is vowel or not..
//if yes returns true//other wise false
* Removes the first character of the string, and places it at the
* end of the string.
* @param pString the word to be rotated.
* @return the new reordered string
string rotate(string pStr);
// Introduces pigLatinString
string pigLatinString(string pStr);
int main()
string str;
cout << "Enter a word: ";//prompting user to enter a word
if (cin.peek() == '\n') //returns the next character in the input sequence
cin.ignore(1, '\n');//if it is line then ignoring it
return rStr;
getline(cin, str);//reading line and storing in str
cout << endl;
// Output the text as pig Latin
cout << "The pig Latin form of " << str << " is: "
<< pigLatinString(str) << endl;//printing output
return 0;
bool isVowel(char ch)//checking whether vowel or nor
switch (ch)//switch statement
//for each vowel,upper and lower...defining cases to perform actions
returntrue;//after all cases this will execute
string rotate(string pStr)
string::size_type len = pStr.length();//finding string length
string rStr;//new variable declaration
rStr = pStr.substr(1, len - 1) + pStr[0];
/*removing first character from pstr,and adding at the end,
and assigned to rstr return rStr;//returning rotated string*/
string pigLatinString(string pStr)
string::size_type len;//variable declaration
bool foundVowel;
string::size_type counter;
if (isVowel(pStr[0]))//if first char in pStr is vowel then
pStr = pStr + "-way";//adding -way to pStr
else//if it is not vowel
pStr = pStr + '-';//then adding - , at end of pStr
pStr = rotate(pStr);//rotating pStr
len = pStr.length();//finding length of new pStr
foundVowel = false;
for (counter = 1; counter < len - 1; counter++)
if (isVowel(pStr[0]))//checking first char in pstr is vowel or not
foundVowel = true;//if vowel
pStr = rotate(pStr); //rotating
if (!foundVowel)
pStr = pStr.substr(1, len) + "-way";
else //if it is vowel
pStr = pStr + "ay";
return pStr;
int main()
string str;
cout << "Enter a word: ";//prompting user to enter a word
if (cin.peek() == '\n') //returns the next character in the input sequence
cin.ignore(1, '\n');//if it is line then ignoring it
return rStr;
rStr does not exist.
you define it later, but the compiler does not care. You used it here, it has not seen it yet, so it does not exist yet, so this isn't allowed.