Exception thrown in linked list
Mar 16, 2017 at 4:56am UTC
When I compile and run my code, everything works fine if the first input is 'E'. If my first input is 'D', the compiler closes and I get an exception thrown (read access violation. this->head was nullptr. If there is a handler for this exception, the program may be safely continued.) If you look at
void Airlines::displayReservation()
I have it set up so that clicking 'D' as a first action will tell the user that the node is null, and up until I finished making modification it was working, now it isn't.
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#pragma once
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;
using std::system;
const int NAME = 50;
const int LEN = 3;
class Airlines
struct ListNode
char FName[NAME];
char LName[NAME];
char Priority;
int FltNum;
ListNode* next;
strcpy_s(FName, "" );
strcpy_s(LName, "" );
Priority = 0;
FltNum = 0;
next = NULL;
ListNode* head;
public :
Airlines() { head = NULL; }
ListNode pass;
void appendNode();
void displayReservation();
#include "Airline.h"
void Airlines::appendNode()
ListNode* newNode, *nodePtr;
newNode = new ListNode;
cout << "Enter your first name\n" ;
cin.getline(newNode->FName, NAME);
cout << "Enter your last name\n" ;
cin.getline(newNode->LName, NAME);
cout << "Enter your flight number\n" ;
cin >> newNode->FltNum;
cout << "Enter a boarding Priority\n" ;
cout << "(P)latinum, (G)old, (S)ilver, or (L)ead\n" ;
if (!head)
head = newNode;
nodePtr = head;
while (nodePtr->next != NULL)
nodePtr = nodePtr->next;
nodePtr->next = newNode;
void Airlines::displayReservation()
ListNode* nodePtr = head->next;
nodePtr = head;
if (nodePtr == NULL)
cout << "Your list is empty\n" ;
while (nodePtr)
cout << "First Name: " << nodePtr->FName<< endl;
cout << "Lirst Name: " << nodePtr->LName << endl;
cout << "Flight Number: " << nodePtr->FltNum << endl;
if ((nodePtr->Priority == 'P' ) || (nodePtr->Priority == 'p' ))
cout << "Your boarding priority is Platinum\n" ;
else if ((nodePtr->Priority == 'G' ) || (nodePtr->Priority == 'g' ))
cout << "Your boarding priority is Gold\n" ;
else if ((nodePtr->Priority == 'S' ) || (nodePtr->Priority == 's' ))
cout << "Your boarding priority is Silver\n" ;
cout << "Your boarding priority is Lead\n" ;
nodePtr = nodePtr->next;
int main()
Airlines list;
char prompt;
char loop = 'y' ;
cout << "Press (E) to Enter passenger flight information " << endl;
cout << "Press (D) to Display the passenger flight information " << endl;
cout << "Press (Q) to Quit the program " << endl;
cin >> prompt;
switch (prompt)
case 'E' :
case 'e' :
break ;
case 'D' :
case 'd' :
cout << endl;
break ;
case 'Q' :
case 'q' :
loop = 'n' ;
cout << "\nExiting the program..\n" ;
break ;
default : cout << "this is an invalid choice. Please select prompt from the menu.\n" ;
}system("pause" );
} while ((loop == 'Y' ) || (loop == 'y' ));
return 0;
also,in the
void Airlines::appendNode()
, I originally had the code written as such to account for an incorrect letter typed:
1 2 3 4 5 6
cout << "Enter a boarding Priority\n" ;
cout << "(P)latinum, (G)old, (S)ilver, or (L)ead\n" ;
}while ((newNode->Priority != 'p' ) || (newNode->Priority != 'P' ) ||(newNode->Priority != 'g' ) || (newNode->Priority != 'G' ) ||(newNode->Priority != 's' ) || (newNode->Priority != 'S' ) || (newNode->Priority != 'l' ) || (newNode->Priority != 'L' ))
the problem with this was that when I ran it, I would get an endless loop despite entering a 'p' 'g' 's' or 'l'. Is there another way to rewrite this to that will accomplish what I am trying to do?(adding in a system("cls") would also be helpful).
Last edited on Mar 29, 2017 at 8:41pm UTC
Mar 16, 2017 at 8:59am UTC
I would get an endless loop despite entering a 'p' 'g' 's' or 'l'.
The problem is that you use
in your expression for the while loop. It is guaranteed that one of the or'd expression is true. So replace
Mar 29, 2017 at 8:42pm UTC
Thanks. Everything works now. I also figured out why the exception was being thrown. This is what the instructor was looking for with the only note they added being
//Need a blank line between passenger outputs
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#pragma once
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;
using std::system;
const int NAME = 50;
class Airlines
struct ReservationNode
char FName[NAME];
char LName[NAME];
char Priority;
int FltNum;
ReservationNode* next;
strcpy_s(FName, "" );
strcpy_s(LName, "" );
Priority = 0;
FltNum = 0;
next = NULL;
ReservationNode* head;
public :
Airlines() { head = NULL; }
void appendNode();
void displayReservation();
#include "Airline.h"
void Airlines::appendNode()
ReservationNode* newNode, *nodePtr;
newNode = new ReservationNode;
cout << "Enter your first name\n" ;
cin.getline(newNode->FName, NAME);
cout << "Enter your last name\n" ;
cin.getline(newNode->LName, NAME);
cout << "Enter your flight number\n" ; //also would've been useful to find a
cin >> newNode->FltNum;
cout << "Enter a boarding Priority\n" ;
cout << "(P)latinum, (G)old, (S)ilver, or (L)ead\n" ;
cin >> newNode->Priority;
} while ((newNode->Priority != 'p' ) && (newNode->Priority != 'P' ) && (newNode->Priority != 'g' ) && (newNode->Priority != 'G' ) && (newNode->Priority != 's' ) && (newNode->Priority != 'S' ) && (newNode->Priority != 'l' ) && (newNode->Priority != 'L' ));
if (!head)
head = newNode;
nodePtr = head;
while (nodePtr->next != NULL)
nodePtr = nodePtr->next;
nodePtr->next = newNode;
system("cls" );
void Airlines::displayReservation()
ReservationNode* nodePtr;
nodePtr = head;
if (nodePtr != NULL)
cout << "------------------------------------------\n" ;
cout << " Passenger Reservation Info \n" ;
cout << "------------------------------------------\n" ;
while (nodePtr)
cout << "First Name: " << nodePtr->FName << endl;
cout << "Lirst Name: " << nodePtr->LName << endl;
cout << "Flight Number: " << nodePtr->FltNum << endl;
if ((nodePtr->Priority == 'P' ) || (nodePtr->Priority == 'p' ))
cout << "Your boarding priority is Platinum\n" ;
else if ((nodePtr->Priority == 'G' ) || (nodePtr->Priority == 'g' ))
cout << "Your boarding priority is Gold\n" ;
else if ((nodePtr->Priority == 'S' ) || (nodePtr->Priority == 's' ))
cout << "Your boarding priority is Silver\n" ;
cout << "Your boarding priority is Lead\n" ;
nodePtr = nodePtr->next;
cout << "Empty List. Please Enter Reservation Information..\n" ;
int main()
Airlines list;
char prompt;
char loop = 'y' ;
cout << "-------------------------------------------\n" ;
cout << " RESERVATION SYSTEM \n" ;
cout << "-------------------------------------------\n" ;
cout << "Press (E) to Enter passenger flight information " << endl;
cout << "Press (D) to Display the passenger flight information " << endl;
cout << "Press (Q) to Quit the program " << endl;
cin >> prompt;
switch (prompt)
case 'E' :
case 'e' :
break ;
case 'D' :
case 'd' :
cout << endl;
break ;
case 'Q' :
case 'q' :
loop = 'n' ;
cout << "\nExiting the program..\n" ;
break ;
default : cout << "this is an invalid choice. Please select prompt from the menu.\n" ;
}system("pause" );
} while ((loop == 'Y' ) || (loop == 'y' ));
return 0;
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