usingnamespace std;
bool isVowel(char ch);//method to check whether ch is vowel or not..
//if yes returns true//other wise false
* Removes the first character of the string, and places it at the
* end of the string.
* @param pString the word to be rotated.
* @return the new reordered string
string rotate(string pStr);
// Introduces pigLatinString
string pigLatinString(string pStr);
int main()
string str;
cout << "Enter a word: ";//prompting user to enter a word
if (cin.peek() == '\n') //returns the next character in the input sequence
cin.ignore(1, '\n');//if it is line then ignoring it
getline(cin, str);//reading line and storing in str
cout << endl;
// Output the text as pig Latin
cout << "The pig Latin form of " << str << " is: "
<< pigLatinString(str) << endl;//printing output
return 0;
bool isVowel(ch)//checking whether vowel or nor
switch (ch)//switch statement
//for each vowel,upper and lower...defining cases to perform actions
returntrue;//after all cases this will execute
string rotate(string pStr)
string::size_type len = pStr.length();//finding string length
string rStr;//new variable declaration
rStr = pStr.substr(1, len - 1) + pStr[0];
/*removing first character from pstr,and adding at the end,
and assigned to rstr return rStr;//returning rotated string*/
string pigLatinString(string pStr)
string::size_type len;//variable declaration
bool foundVowel;
string::size_type counter;
if (isVowel(pStr[0]))//if first char in pStr is vowel then
pStr = pStr + "-way";//adding -way to pStr
else//if it is not vowel
pStr = pStr + '-';//then adding - , at end of pStr
pStr = rotate(pStr);//rotating pStr
len = pStr.length();//finding length of new pStr
foundVowel = false;
for (counter = 1; counter < len - 1; counter++)
if (isVowel(pStr[0]))//checking first char in pstr is vowel or not
foundVowel = true;//if vowel
pStr = rotate(pStr); //rotating
if (!foundVowel)
pStr = pStr.substr(1, len) + "-way";
else //if it is vowel
pStr = pStr + "ay";
return pStr;
ok i added the return rStr and i am still getting an error message:
// Reid Radebaugh- This program converts a string to pig latin
using namespace std;
bool isVowel(char ch);//method to check whether ch is vowel or not..
//if yes returns true//other wise false
* Removes the first character of the string, and places it at the
* end of the string.
* @param pString the word to be rotated.
* @return the new reordered string
string rotate(string pStr);
// Introduces pigLatinString
string pigLatinString(string pStr);
int main()
string str;
cout << "Enter a word: ";//prompting user to enter a word
if (cin.peek() == '\n') //returns the next character in the input sequence
cin.ignore(1, '\n');//if it is line then ignoring it
return rStr;
getline(cin, str);//reading line and storing in str
cout << endl;
// Output the text as pig Latin
cout << "The pig Latin form of " << str << " is: "
<< pigLatinString(str) << endl;//printing output
return 0;
bool isVowel(char ch)//checking whether vowel or nor
switch (ch)//switch statement
//for each vowel,upper and lower...defining cases to perform actions
case 'A':
case 'E':
case 'I':
case 'O':
case 'U':
case 'Y':
case 'a':
case 'e':
case 'i':
case 'o':
case 'u':
case 'y':
return true;//after all cases this will execute
return false;
string rotate(string pStr)
string::size_type len = pStr.length();//finding string length
string rStr;//new variable declaration
rStr = pStr.substr(1, len - 1) + pStr[0];
/*removing first character from pstr,and adding at the end,
and assigned to rstr return rStr;//returning rotated string*/
string pigLatinString(string pStr)
string::size_type len;//variable declaration
bool foundVowel;
string::size_type counter;
if (isVowel(pStr[0]))//if first char in pStr is vowel then
pStr = pStr + "-way";//adding -way to pStr
else//if it is not vowel
pStr = pStr + '-';//then adding - , at end of pStr
pStr = rotate(pStr);//rotating pStr
len = pStr.length();//finding length of new pStr
foundVowel = false;
for (counter = 1; counter < len - 1; counter++)
if (isVowel(pStr[0]))//checking first char in pstr is vowel or not
foundVowel = true;//if vowel
pStr = rotate(pStr); //rotating
if (!foundVowel)
pStr = pStr.substr(1, len) + "-way";
else //if it is vowel
pStr = pStr + "ay";
return pStr;