Help with Program using C++

Hi -

I am new to all of this computer science and programming. I need to:

Write the “Will I eat lunch” program (Use Nested If statements). Declare variables for each criteria.(haveMoney, haveTime, amHungry, restaurantOpen, haveTransportation)
Have the user input the values for each criteria. Use Nested if statements to determine if user will eat lunch today. Inform the user why they are or are not having lunch at McDonalds.

please I really need help and have no clue. I have to turn in tomorrow and would appreciate anyone's help!! Thanks!!
closed account (48T7M4Gy)
Show us the question in full and what attempt you have made so far. Point to where you are having problems.

If you haven't started then the best place to do that is write some pseudo code and show us that.
You have class on Sunday ?
You have class on Sunday ?

Dubai, Israel ... a world is a big place my friend
closed account (48T7M4Gy)
Quite right and aside from time zones @gunnerfunner, I think another aspect is neither Dubai nor Israel would treat Sundays as special days anyway.

Shabbat (vs sunday) is different as you might know, so much so my new refrigerator has a shabbat button to deactivate the light at the appropriate time of the week - we do indeed live in a big place.

I wonder whether OP is going to respond. I am loathe to offer any suggestions or especially program starters or samples after the recent visit from the police. Not because I'm frightened, I just can't be bothered with them.

Ill give you a little hint. Create bools for each criteria (am hungry, have transportations etc) that way if they all return true you are eating lunch and if its false find the first false bool and that is the reason why your not having lunch.
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