polar coordinate system

Define a struct called polar which represents the polar coordinates system for representing a point in the plan, it has the form (r, ), where

Store the values of radius (r), and theta () as float.

Define a class called coordinates with the data members numberOfPoints (of type integer), points[ ] (an array of type polar), and resultant (a struct variable of type polar to hold the summation of all the points of the array). The class also has the member functions set( ), get( ), print( ), finalPoint( ), a default constructor, and a parameterized constructor. The array points[ ] holds the polar coordinates of a number of points. The function finalPoint( ) finds the summation of the points in the array points[ ].

Hint: The addition of two polar points (r1, 1), (r2, 2) results in the new polar point (r, theta) where

theta=1/2(theta 1+theta 2)


please help me solve this.
please help me solve this

sure, the forum'd be happy to help those who help themselves. post what you've gotten down so in code/pseudocode and/or pinpoint what exactly are the stumbling blocks
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