1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164
#include <list>
#include "ship.h"
///#include "sub.h"
///I could have left the objects alone as regular objects instead of making them pointers, but I wanted to experiment more with pointers,
///Overcome some anxiety I have surrounding them
using namespace std;
int main()
list<ship>::iterator myitr; ///Set some private variables
ship * sptr; ///ship pointer for making new ships
/// ship * head; ///Don't lose your head
fstream fout, fout2;
string fname, outfile;
double toTurn; ///how much do you want to turn?
string decide = "y"; ///do we go again?
double PI = 3.14156; ///Just in case
bool lowF = false;
bool topped = false;
///I will hard code the needed ships settings in place, instead of using a creation loop to speed up testing
sptr = new ship("carrier",0,0, true); ///Head carrier
sptr = new ship("fuel", 1, 100, false);/// Fuel Ship
sptr = new ship("ddg", .5, 300, true);/// DDG Lamps
sptr = new ship("ddg2", 1.5, 300, false);/// DDG no-Lamps
sptr = new ship("frigate", .75, 300, true);/// Frigate
sptr = new ship("missle", 1.25, 300, false);/// Missle Cruiser
sptr = new ship("Sub", 0, 300, false);/// Submarine
myitr=fleet.begin(); ///Let's set the fleet's base stats
fout2.open("command.txt",ios::out); ///build the command file
fout2<<"set view (60 , 45, 45)"<<endl;
fout2 << "set ylabel \"x\"" << endl;
fout2 << "set ylabel \"y\"" << endl;
fout2<<"set xrange [-1000:1000]"<<endl;
fout2<<"set yrange [-1000:1000]"<<endl;
fout2<<"set zrange [-100:100]"<<endl;
fout2<<"set mapping cylindrical"<<endl;
///fout2<<"set angles radians"<<endl;
fout2<<"set terminal png"<<endl;
cout << "Starting bearing is 0" << endl;
int i=0; ///Use this to keep track of file names
while (decide == "y") ///Begin movement
double days; ///How many days are we moving?
double dSpeed; ///Our new speed
cout << "Captain, should we begin changing course?" << endl
<< "[In whole radians, Pi will be added]" << endl;
cin >> toTurn;
cout << "What is our current speed, captain?" << endl;
cin >> dSpeed;
cout << "How long should we hold this course, sir?" << endl;
cin >> days;
///cout << "Will our sub change? [Depth, angle change]" << endl;
///Calculate Our bearing
toTurn = (2 *(PI)) - (toTurn * PI); ///In the navy angles go clockwise instead of counter clockwise.
toTurn = myitr->getBearing() + toTurn; ///add the change in angle to the current bearing to get our new bearing
///I tried previously to do this in the moveLead function, but it caused a loop of constantly changing my bearing
for(int j=0; j<days; j++) /// take our input settings
double headX; ///Values to hold the leaders position
double headY; ///tried to use a head pointer but it didn't pan out as I hoped
//head = fleet.begin();/// give us a pointer to the lead ship at all times
///we take the string, turn it into a char []
///so that we can use it as a filename for output
if (lowF == true)
double fx, fy; ///X and y locations of the fuel ship, as well as bearing
double fspeed = 13;/// these are used in the main file to avoid having unecisarry variables used in the other ships
myitr->setSpeed(fspeed); ///this bit sets our lead with the refuel speed
myitr->moveLead(toTurn);///move our lead with new speed
fout << myitr->getX() << " " << myitr->getY() << " " << myitr->getZ() << endl;
headX = myitr->getX();
headY = myitr->getY();
myitr->setSpeed(fspeed); ///Set move our fuel into position
myitr->follow(toTurn, headX, headY, false); ///follow the leader
fout << myitr->getX() << " " << myitr->getY() << " " << myitr->getZ() << endl; ///print out
fx = myitr->getX();
fy= myitr->getY();
///myitr = fleet.begin();
while (myitr != fleet.end())
myitr->setSpeed(fspeed); ///move the rest of the fleet around the fuel ship
myitr->follow(toTurn, fx, fy, true); ///follow the leader
fout << myitr->getX() << " " << myitr->getY() << " " << myitr->getZ() << endl; ///print out
myitr++; ///next boat
if (myitr->getFuel() <=70) ///If our lead ship is at 70% or less fuel, reduce speed and signal fleet
lowF = true;
myitr ->setSpeed(13);
myitr->moveLead(toTurn); ///Move our first ship
headX = myitr->getX();
headY = myitr->getY();
fout << myitr->getX() << " " << myitr->getY() << " " << myitr->getZ() << endl; ///print out
while (myitr != fleet.end()) ///Begin moving the rest of the fleet
myitr->setSpeed(dSpeed); ///Set the speed
myitr->follow(toTurn, headX, headY, false); ///follow the leader
fout << myitr->getX() << " " << myitr->getY() << " " << myitr->getZ() << endl; ///print out
myitr++; ///next boat
///test = test+5;
fout2<<"set output \'"<<outfile<<"\'"<<endl;
fout2<<"splot \'"<<fname<<"\' with circles"<<endl;
myitr = fleet.begin();
cout << "would you like to continue? [y]/[n]" << endl;
cin >> decide;
system("gnuplot command.txt");
return 0;