
Anyone knows how to create a program that tells whether the input is prime number or not. And also, the program will terminates if the user input a number that is not prime. I want to know this. Please help me.
The brute force option is to test against a modulus of all smaller numbers.

Modulus looks for a remainder when a number is divided.
10%3; //returns 1, 3 does not divide evenly into 10
10%2; // returns 0, so 2 does divide evenly into 10
If a number divides without a remainder then a modulus returns 0;

So if all smaller numbers return non-zero then the original number is prime. Make sure you stop the test at 1 since 1 divides into everything.

Start there, once you've got that written come back here and show us what you've got. We'll give you hints on optimizing from there.
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