Raw audio takes a lot of space, so in a loop I'd read part of it it into a short buffer then output to a file as soon as the buffer was full.
You do need to decide on how many samples per second this sine wave is going to have and tone/frequency; that is an important part of your calculations.
I've followed one or two tutorials on creating raw audio data which is kind of what you're asking for. I'm thinking you're asking for calibration of an audio device with this program acting like a tuning fork kind of deal?
This is something I have in my files, it is nearly a direct copy from a stackoverflow question:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
double tone_frequency = 440;
int samples_per_second = 44100;
double output_duration_seconds = 5.0;
int output_sample_count = (int)(output_duration_seconds * samples_per_second);
std::ofstream out("signed-16-bit_mono-channel_44.1kHz-sample-rate.raw", std::ios::binary);
for (int sample_i = 0; sample_i < output_sample_count; ++sample_i)
double t = sample_i / (double)(samples_per_second);
double sound_amplitude = sin(t * tone_frequency *M_PI);
// encode amplitude as a 16-bit, signed integral value
short sample_value = (short)(sound_amplitude * std::numeric_limits<short>::max());
out.write((char const *)(&sample_value), sizeof sample_value);
If you track through their process, you'll see that
is the number of samples to achieve 5 seconds of sound, and the
is generated by the sin() of the iteration number times frequency times pi divided by the samples per second.
What actually goes in the file is the sound_amplitude times the maximum size of a short int.
And it is being written in binary because that's what raw audio is expected to be written into.
The reason that I multiply by pi rather than 2pi is because I generated sound like they wrote it, then played a sound file from wikipedia for 440 hz. and 2pi genearted a much higher sound, while pi worked. I didn't do any research to answer why...
Please read Chervil's summary of what can harm your speakers before you extend the time that the above code will generate sound for, this is a solid tone being generated and I feel 5 seconds might even be a bit too long;
Fortunately it is a sine wave, so it's not the worst-case scenario, and I think Chervil was more concerned about large exterior speakers over the ones in a laptop. Just don't play it too loud and maybe reduce the playing time to less than a second while you're testing to be kinder to your speakers. (You could also multiply the sample value by .75 before writing to file to reduce audio volume of the file by 1/4)