hey guys, i'm new to the site, and i'm trying to figure out how to use ifstreams and ofstreams. i'm in an advanced C++ class which is killing me. i have a project to complete, and need some help, if you guys can direct me in the right direction.
i have to take the information inside a file, format it a certain way, input words where requested, and print it out in the formatted style.
my question, how do i take the information inside the text file i'm opening, make it have only so many characters per line, and output it? i think getline() comes into play, but i don't know how. thanks for any help.
getline() is fine if you have a delimiting character after the "so many characters per line..." bit, but you're better off (because it's easier and we're lazy) formatting your output. You need a loop that counts the number of characters output to the stream, like this:
so i have this member function written so far, just gotta add more to it to make it do what i said in my first post.
ostream &operator <<(ostream &outStream, const Paragraph ¶)
// Output number of words in paragraph.
outStream << para.wordCount << endl;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < para.wordCount; i++)
if (i > 0)
outStream << ' ';
outStream << para.words[i];
return outStream;
so i add another loop after the one that's in there, such as:
for(int i; i < len; i++)
and i'm lost after that, sorry. does Letter mean something specific that i'm supposed to know from my already written code, same as Position_In_Array? sorry for dumb questions