Here's a copy of what I sent my cousin's husband, who's going to try and help me with this:
I worked on the program a bit more tonight. Pretty much the only thing I haven't really completed in the program is the insert and delete functions. I'll include some attachments with my header file and definition file.
Here's a few insecurities with the program that I am having:
1. in my copy constructor - is this line correct?
lastPtr->next = new Scheduler::Task(origPtr->PT);
should it be pointing to PT?
2. With the afterme function, what I'm trying to do is return a pointer to point to the location where the new task should be inserted, but the problem is I haven't figured out how to correctly implement this. I'm assuming I need to have some sort of if statement or while loop that will cycle through each task, until it finds one who's nextlink is pointing to a value with a lower PT, and then the insert function should insert the new task wherever afterme is pointing to. I think my logic is okay, but I still haven't figured this one out, I'll try to work on it tomorrow.
3. I'm sort of concerned about my counter and whether i'm using the increment functions correctly.
//----Definition of incCounter()
void Scheduler::incCounter()
//-----Definition of decCounter()
void Scheduler::decCounter()
since counter is a private member, am I allowed to mess with it like this?
Also, I haven't implemented anything for ID yet, but what the plan is is to just start with 1 as the ID for the first task, and just increase it by 1 and set that ID to the task as I keep inserting tasks. It wouldn't be the same as counter because the ID wouldn't be decremented at any point, only assigned a new ID that is 1 greater than the last task that was created.
Another thing I'm not too sure about - with the way I'm writing this program so far, it seems as though I wouldn't be able to place a new task at the beginning of the list? Another little nuissance I probably have to take care of.
I originally told you it was a doubly linked list, but upon some consideration I decided it might be easier to keep it singly linked for now. Maybe if I get some of the other functionalities working, I can use some time and make it doubly linked.
Please let me know if you spot any inconsistencies or weird shit in my code. I'm pretty new to classes so I wouldn't be surprised if I did something incorrectly syntactically or logically.
I also haven't started the driver program to test out all the functions. I figure I'll wait till I have the scheduler atleast somewhat functional before I start testing it.
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This header file defines a Scheduler data type.
Basic Operations include:
constructor: Constructs a schedule
empty: checks if there are no tasks scheduled
display: Displays tasks in the schedule
first: accesses first task
copy constructor: copies the given schedule
destructor: Deletes the schedule after execution of program
insert: inserts a task into the schedule
delete: deletes a task in the schedule
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
typdef int Element
class Scheduler
//function members
Constructs scheduler object. first_task initialized to a null pointer
~Scheduler(); //Class Destructor
/********Copy Constructor******/
Scheduler(const Schedule & origSched);
const Schedule & operator=(const Scheduler & rightHandSide);
/******Empty Function****/
bool empty() const; //checks if stack is empty. Returns true/false.
/*******Insert Function*****/
void insert(Task afterme, const Element &value_ID, const Element &value_PT);
/********First Function*******/
Element first() const;
/********Delete Function********/
/*********Display Function*****/
void display(ostream &out) const;
/***********Accessor Function****/
int getCounter() const;
/***********Mutator Function*****/
void incCounter(); //increments counter by 1 when adding a task
void decCounter(); //decrements counter by 1 when removing a task
TaskPointer afterme(TaskpPointer first_task, int target); //Will locate where to place new task based on PT
int counter = 0; // Counts the number of tasks in the Scheduler
class Task
/**********Accessor Functions*****/
int getID() const{
return ID;}
int getPT() const{
return PT;}
Task* getLink() const {
return next;}
//Task constructor
Task(Element ID_val, Element PT_val, Task *nextLink = 0);
: ID(ID_val), PT(PT_val), next(nextLink)
void setNextTask(Task *pointer){
nextLink = pointer;
Element ID;
Element PT;
Task *next;
Task *previous;
typedef Task *TaskPointer;
//Data Members
TaskPointer first_task; //points to first task
//------ Prototype of output operator
ostream & operator<< (ostream & out, const Schedule & aSchedule);
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#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include "scheduler.h"
#define MAX_TASK 15
//-----Definition of Scheduler Constructor
: first_task(0)
//------Definition of Scheduler copy constructor
Scheduler(const Schedule & origSched);
first_task = 0;
//Copy first task
first_task = new Scheduler::Task(origSched.first());
// Sets points to run through linked list
Scheduler::TaskPointer lastPtr = first_task,
origPtr = origSched.first->next;
while (origPtr != 0)
lastPtr->next = new Scheduler::Task(origPtr->PT);
lastPtr = lastPtr->next;
origPtr = origPtr->next;
//----Definition of Stack Destructor
// Sets pointers to run through the scheduler
Scheduler::TaskPointer currPtr = first_task
while(currPtr != 0)
nextPtr = currPtr->next;
delete currPtr;
currPtr = nextPtr;
//------- Definition of afterme function
TaskPointer afterme(TaskPointer first_task, target)
TaskPointer here = first_task;
if(here == NULL) //if empty list
return NULL;
while(here->getPT() != target && here->getLink() != NULL)
here = here->getLink();
if(here->getPT() == target)
return here;
return NULL;
//---------Definition of insert function
void insert(TaskPointer afterme, int thePT)
if(counter == MAX_TASK)
cerr >> "Cannot add another task. Maximum task limit reached."<<endl;
afterme->setNextTask(new Task(thePT, afterme->getLink()))
//------Definition of assignment operator
const Scheduler &Scheduler::operator=(const Scheduler &rightHandSide)
if (this != &rightHandSide) //Checks to make sure both sides are not the same
this -> ~Scheduler(); //Destroys current schedule
first_task = 0;
//Copy first task
first_task = new Scheduler::Task(rightHandSide.first());
//Set points to run through scheduler
Scheduler::TaskPointer lastPtr = myTop
rhsPtr = rightHandSide.first->next;
while (rhsPtr != 0)
lastPtr->next = new Stack::Node(rhsPtr->PT);
lastPtr = lastPtr->next;
rhsPtr = rhsPtr->next;
return *this;
//------- Definition of output operator
ostream & operator<< (ostream & out, const Scheduler & aScheduler)
return out;
//----Definition of getCounter()
int Scheduler::getCounter() const
return counter;
//----Definition of incCounter()
void Scheduler::incCounter()
//-----Definition of decCounter()
void Scheduler::decCounter()
//----Definition of empty()
bool Scheduler::empty() const
return (first_task == 0);
//----Definition of display()
void Scheduler::display(ostream &out) const
Scheduler::TaskPointer ptr;
for (ptr = first_task; ptr != 0; ptr = ptr->next)
out << ptr -> ID << "("<<ptr -> PT <<")"<<endl;
//----Definition of first()
Element Scheduler::first() const
return(first_task ->PT);
cerr <<"The Stack is empty"<<endl;
Element *temp = new(Element);
Element garbage = *temp;
delete temp;
return garbage;