My task is to apply the technique of stepwise refinement to design an algorithm for the playGame() function, and play the guessing game. The code already works but I don't understand how to to get it in stepwise refinement (top down method), and it should interact with and call other given functions.
* Function to remove a character from a string while keeping the string intact
* @param str the string from which a character will be removed
* @param charToRemove the character you want to remove from the string
void removeCharFromString(string &str, char charToRemove){
str.erase(remove(str.begin(), str.end(), charToRemove), str.end());
* Function to read the shapes from shapes.txt
* @param shapes string array to hold the shapes
void readShapes(string shapes[]){
string dummy;
ifstream inFile("shapes.txt");
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i){
getline(inFile, dummy);
if (dummy != ""){ //until blank line is found (end of shape) keep reading the file
shapes[i] += dummy;
shapes[i] += '\n';
--i; //if the shape isn't fully read yet, decrement i to keep reading the same shape
* Function to read the words and phrases from dict.txt
* @param dict string array to hold the words and phrases
void readDict(string dict[]){
int numOfWords;
ifstream inDict("dict.txt");
inDict >> numOfWords;
for (int i = 0; i < numOfWords; ++i)
getline(inDict, dict[i]);
* Function that asks the user to pick one of the shapes
* @return user selection shape index
int pickShape(){
cout << "Please pick one of the following:" << endl << "1. Car" << endl << "2. Plane" << endl << "3. Farm" << endl;
int selection;
cin >> selection;
return selection-1;
* Function get the difficulty from the user which will determine how many letters will be shifted during encryption
* @return a value between 6-9 which is the number of letters shifted6
int askDifficulty(){
int diff;
cout << "Please enter a number between 6-9 to represent difficulty" << endl;
cin >> diff;
while (diff < 6 || diff > 9){
cout << "Difficulty has to be between 6 and 9. Please try again." << endl;
cin >> diff;
return diff;
* Function to encrypt the selected word or phrase
* @param alphabet string containing all letters in the English alphabet
* @param difficulty number of letters that will be shifted
* @param decrypt the phrase to be encrypted
* @return the encrypted version of the phrase
string encryptWord(string alphabet, int difficulty, string decrypt){
int letterLoc;
string result = "";
for (int i = 0; i < decrypt.length(); ++i){
if (decrypt[i] != ' '){
//find the letter's location in the alphabet and add difficulty for the new letter index
letterLoc = alphabet.find(decrypt[i]);
letterLoc += difficulty;
// go back to the beginning of the alphabet if out of bounds
if (letterLoc > 25)
letterLoc -= 26;
result += alphabet[letterLoc];
result += ' ';
return result;
* Function to play the game from start, asking user input and then asking the user to pick letters
* @param shapes string array to hold the shapes
* @param dict string array to hold the words and phrases
void playGame(string shapes[], string dict[]){
//this portion is where I'm confused