im stuck on this code

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

void addToList(int *); // adds integer to integer array
void displayList(int *);//displays all items in array
void dispSum(int *); //gives sum of all elements in array
void dispAverage(int *); //gives average of elements in array.

unsigned short SIZE = 0;

int main()
unsigned int input;
int arrayList[10];

cout << "***Main Menu***" << endl
<< "1. add number to list" << endl
<< "2. display list." << endl
<< "3. display sum." << endl
<< "4. display average." << endl
<< "0. Quit" << endl;
//clears iostream buffer
cout << "enter a menu choice: ";
cin >> input;

switch (input)
case 1: addToList(arrayList);
case 2: displayList(arrayList);
case 3: dispSum(arrayList);
case 4: dispAverage(arrayList);
case 0:break;
cin.ignore(10, '\n');
cout << "enter a valid choice from menu:" << endl << endl;

} while (input != 0);
return 0;

void addToList(int *arrayList)
int input;
cout << "enter a number int the array: ";
cin >> input;
arrayList[SIZE++] = input;

void displayList(int *arrayList)
for (int i = 0; i <= SIZE; ++i)
cout << arrayList[SIZE];
cout << endl;

void dispSum(int *arrayList)
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= SIZE; ++i)
sum += arrayList[i];
cout << "The Sum is " << sum << "!" << endl;
void dispAverage (int *arrayList)
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= SIZE; ++i)
sum += arrayList[i];
int average = sum / SIZE;
What part are you stuck with?
code doesnt run properly
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Do you know what vectors are?
no can i get an example
this is my objective:
logical and run time errors in the code as well as compilation errors.
objective is get the code to run fix any bugs in the code and
place validation needed to prevent any memory issues.
Each function has a
description of what it does next to its prototype.
Ok this would be much easier to do with vectors. The first problem I see is arrayList[SIZE++] = input; because you have SIZE set as a global variable (which is bad practice and should be passed to function) and its value is 0 so every time this code is used you assign the users input to the position 1 in the vector, erasing any data there before.
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