You have an extra set of { }. There is an extra one before cout << "How many hours were used?: "; then delete one from the end.
Also, you may want to verify what the user enters is valid and not let them continue till they enter something valid.
Lastly, this will help you to reduce some of the length of the code.
This is toupper. You can implement it by adding #include <ctype.h> and :[code]toupper(userPackage); after the user inputs userPackage. Then when testing the value of userPackage you only have to test the upper case so instead of while (userPackage != 'A' && userPackage != 'a' && userPackage != 'b' && userPackage != 'B' && userPackage != 'c' && userPackage != 'C')
you can do while (userPackage != 'A' && userPackage != 'B' && userPackage != 'C')
Problem solved. I used the function "toupper()" from <cctype> library.
#include <iostream>
#include <cctype>
using namespace std;
int main()
char userPackage;
int hoursUsed; // Hours used by user
int package_A_hours = 10; // Max hours for Package A
int package_B_hours = 20; // Max hours for Package B
int differenceHours; // Difference of hours allowed and hours used
double additionalHours; // Cost of additional hours
double amountDue_A; // Monthly bill of user for Package A
double amountDue_B; // Monthly bill of user for Package B
// Get package choice
cout << "Please select one of the following Package choices:\n\n";
cout << "Package A: For $9.95/month 10 hours of access are provided. Additional hours are $2.00/hour.\n";
cout << "Package B: For $14.95/month 20 hours of access are provided. Additional hours are $1.00/hour.\n";
cout << "Package C: For $19.95 per UNLIMITED access is provided.\n\n";
cout << "Which package do you use? (A, B, C)\n";
cout << "Package: ";
cin >> userPackage;
userPackage = toupper(userPackage);
while (userPackage != 'A' && userPackage != 'a' && userPackage != 'b' && userPackage != 'B' && userPackage != 'c' && userPackage != 'C')
cout << "Please enter a valid package choice: ";
cin >> userPackage;
userPackage = toupper(userPackage);
cout << "How many hours were used?: ";
cin >> hoursUsed;
// Validate hours used
while (hoursUsed < 0 || hoursUsed > 744)
cout << "Please enter a valid amount of hours: ";
cin >> hoursUsed;
switch( userPackage )
case 'A':
if (hoursUsed <= 10)
cout << "Your monthly bill is $ 9.95\n";
else if (hoursUsed > 10)
differenceHours = hoursUsed - package_A_hours;
additionalHours = differenceHours * 2.00;
amountDue_A = additionalHours + 9.95;
cout << "Your monthly bill is $" << amountDue_A << endl;
cout << "VocĂȘ digitou uma userPackage invalida.";