How to read String, Int, and Floats from the same line in a File?
Feb 21, 2017 at 1:47am UTC
I'm trying to read and display variables that I have stored in a file. Here is what my textfile looks like on my computer.
ABC 23 18.50 23.25 1.50 2.00
XYZ 5 226.20 175.00 3.50 4.00
I need to be able to read the 3 Letters as a string, the next number as an integer, and the rest of the values as floats.
I included my code. When I run the program, I get into an infinite loop with very large and strange numbers. Could anyone show me the error of my ways?
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#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int ReadFile (ifstream&, string);
int main ()
ifstream inFile;
string filename = "Shares.txt" ;
bool IsItOpen;
string StockName;
int NUMofShares;
float PurchasePrice, SalePrice, PurchaseCommission, SaleCommission ;
cout << "Please open the file associated with the Multiple Stock Sales.\n" << endl;;
IsItOpen = ReadFile(inFile, filename);
cout << " Stock, Shares, P Price, S Price, P Commission, S Commission" << endl;
while (!inFile.eof())
getline (inFile, StockName);
inFile >> NUMofShares;
inFile >> PurchasePrice;
inFile >> SalePrice;
inFile >> PurchaseCommission;
inFile >> SaleCommission;
cout << StockName << NUMofShares << PurchasePrice << SalePrice << PurchaseCommission << SaleCommission << endl;
system("pause" );
return 0;
int ReadFile (ifstream& myFile, string NameOfFile)
cout << "Type the name of the file." << endl;
cout << "Example Format: StockPrices.txt" << endl;
cout << "\nPlease Enter Here: " ;
cin >> NameOfFile; //prompting user to enter the filename
if (myFile.is_open() && NameOfFile == "Shares.txt" )//validating the filename that was entered
cout << NameOfFile << " has opened successfully.\n" << endl;
return true ;
else //if an error occurred opening the file, the program will close
cout << NameOfFile << " couldn't be opened...\n" << endl;
cout << "Closing down the program due to file error..." << endl;
return -1;
Feb 21, 2017 at 1:56am UTC
Why not just
inFile >> StockName;
std::getline reads a whole line not just three letters as a string.
I would typically do it like this :
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while (!inFile.eof())
inFile >> StockName;
inFile >> NUMofShares;
inFile >> PurchasePrice;
inFile >> SalePrice;
inFile >> PurchaseCommission;
inFile >> SaleCommission;
if (!inFile) break ; // Checks if file operation is a success
cout << StockName << ' ' ;
cout << NUMofShares << ' ' ;
cout << PurchasePrice << ' ' ;
cout << SalePrice << ' ' ;
cout << PurchaseCommission << ' ' ;
cout << SaleCommission << endl;
Last edited on Feb 21, 2017 at 1:57am UTC
Feb 21, 2017 at 2:04am UTC
I tried something kind of similar to that earlier and it didn't work.
I do agree that using getline is probably a bad idea after all.
I just tried what you provided and it works great. I appreciate it!
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