Following an example in the C++ Primer Plus 6th Edition by Stephen Prata, page 87 - here is the code I have:
#include <iostream>
int main()
using namespace std;
cout << "Beginning of program..." << endl;
cout << "Let them eat g\u00E2teau.\n";
cout << "End of program." << endl;
return 0;
The only lines displayed in the console are as follows:
Beginning of program...
Let them eat gâteau.
I've tried \n & endl in different combinations and the last line still does not print to the console... also, tried 3 different IDEs (Orwell's Dev-C++, CodeLite and CodeBlocks) they all produce the same 2 lines in the console. The compile doesn't throw any errors either.
Solved somewhat. Used 'wcout', that works. Would like a better understanding of why the buffer behaves that way, even using the 'endl' to flush the buffer.