I am new to using bool in c++. I am trying to make a function (is_palindrome) that tests if a word is a palindrome, which requires that it be all letters (using hasletters) and that the word is the same forwards as backwards (using ispal), and that the string s is not empty. hasletters and ispal are functions I made before, but I think the error might be in how I used bool here. The main function is_palindrome takes in the string s and bool error, but it is also a bool. Can you do this? Is there something else wrong in this code?
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bool error(s);
if (s == "")
if (hasletters(s))
if (ispal(s))
bool is_palindrome(string s, bool & error)
if (error(s))
If you are defining a function you do not want to use a semicolon before the brackets, and the argument needs to have a variable type, in this case bool.
Line 1: bool error(bool s)
Line 10 is also the beginning of a function definition and it's missing an opening bracket { after it.
If you would show your whole code this would be a lot easier...