I am just working so that I can learn by my self. At the moment I am making a blackjack game and I thought it would be cool if I made a user log in that remembers the money you had when you last closed the game. Can someone help me out with this ? I basically want to allow the user to create an account and set a password that they will use every time they play. Thanks.
Have you looked into how to read/write a file?
Look into using ifstream and ofstream; http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/fstream/
You can use them after including <fstream>
We're not talking anything secure at the moment, and in truth nothing is 100% secure. Right now your younger brother could get username and password simply by finding the password file and opening it with notepad. Eventually if you want it to be more secure you would look into encryption algorithms...
Anything that you want to be available next time the program runs (for the most part) is either going to be saved to a file, or would be written into the program at compile time (which kind of makes it too permanent). It's because the program itself is running in RAM, every variable in your program only exists as long as your program is running unless you fix it into a file.